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Thanks for the pen *glares at Disco*

You're not getting this.

Nice chapter Fallout.

Time to get rid of this 'cliff hangar' that I made XD

Only to make another one XP


Seto's POV

I gasped and put Quirren on the ground behind me.

Jerome, Ryan and Mitch all stepped in front of me protecting me and Quirren from any danger the strange man had in store for us.

The man smirked and rolled his eyes.

"Do you really think you mortals can stop me?"

"We can sure as heck slow you down." Jerome growled.

He man scoffed and disappeared in a black poof of smoke.

A small shriek makes me spin around and check on Quirren.

Only there's one problem, Quirren is in the arms of the man, kicking and trying to break free of his grasp.

"Quirren!" Mitch yelled, pushing past me and running at the man.

"Mitch, don't!" I called out, but it was too late.

The man's face twisted into an evil grin and his eyes flashed a bright white and Mitch collapsed onto the ground in a heap.

"Goodbye mortals and healer." The man growled, glaring at me.

"Help!" Quirren screamed as her and the man disappear without a trace.

"Biggums!" Jerome yelled, brushing past me and running over to his passed out friend.

I stand frozen, staring at the same stop Quirren had been moments ago.

A hand grabbed my shoulder, breaking me from my trance.

"We'll get her and Adam back soon, okay? Right now, we need to worry about Mitch and what the nether that man did to him." Ryan said.

I nodded and walked over to Mitch.

"Here Jerome. Let's see what I can do." I said, pushing Jerome to the side lightly.

I placed my hands on Mitch's arm and closed my eyes.

Mumbling the words to a spell, I felt the mist surround my hands around Mitch's arm.

A gasp stopped me in the middle of the spell and made my eyes shoot open.

Mitch sat up and stared at all of us.

"Who are you?" He asked, his eyes seeming to be glazed over.

"Oh no." I whispered.

"What is it Seto?" Jerome asked.

"Mitch is in a dream state again. And without Quirren, he won't be able to wake up again."


Jason's POV

We walked out of the ward and into the cafeteria.

"Food has never looked so good before!" Quentin exclaimed, grabbing a trey and filling it with food till there was no space left for even air on the tray.

"Damn Quentin. That's a lot of food." Ty said, grabbing a sandwich.

I did the same, as did Ian, and we sat at a nearby table.

"So what were you saying before?" Quentin asked.

I took a bite of my sandwich and listened to Ty explain.

As I listened to the conversation, my eyelids started to grow heavy and I found it hard to keep listening.

"Jason are you okay?" Ian asked, worry clear in his voice.

I didn't get a chance to respond before passing out into my food.


*Le gasp!* The strange man has Quirren!

So there ya go :)

I shall smuggle the pen back to Fallout because handing it to her isn't safe.

Disco keeps trying to take the pen and kill everyone.


Lol yeah... There's the pen fallout, best of luck to you.

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