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*Snatches pen away before @TheDiscoDino can take it*

Heyyyy guess who's a day late

It's me because bloxie doesn't mess up as bad as I dooooo

(i apologize I was a peach-themed fair)

(did you guys know deep fried oreos were a thing 'cuz I didn't)


GUESS WHO'S BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Adam's POV

Join me.

Join me.

Join me.

Join me.

The voice ripped through my mind, destroying every other thought that tried to form. I couldn't think, I couldn't talk, I couldn't remember. The voice was always there, as far as I could think back.

Join me.

Join me.

Join me.

Join me.

There was nothing I could do except wait and shiver. My body didn't seem to want to move, but I was okay with that. There wasn't anywhere I could go. My room was small and dark. The only thing in it was me.

Join me.

Join me.


I wailed in anguish as the voice ripped through my mind, crashing into my subconscious and destroying what little grip on reality I had left. It stayed there, in my head, doing what it pleased. It sent fire twisting through my useless limbs, leaving my to scream and and desperately try to writhe in pain. Needles stabbed into every inch of skin on my body, sending me bucking and twisting in annoyance. Agony crushed my useless bones, shattering them and and grinding them into the ground. Screaming, I did anything I could to get away from the agony. My feet refused to shuffle, my legs refused to curl up under me. I could only lay there, helpless, and die in my mind.

Join me.

It hurt, it hurt so bad. Everything hurt. Everything was worse than hurt.

Join me.

This wasn't hurt. This wasn't pain. This wan't agony.

Join me.

This was an irreparable, self-destructing, absolute demolition that made me scream for death to silence it. This was the devil himself suffering, the bleeding out of thousands.

Join me.

Make it stop.

Join me.

Please, anything. Please!

Join me.



With a great, shuddering gasp, I wrenched my eyes open and screamed. Writhing, I twisted and tossed myself all over, until I finally curled up on the floor. A sob escaped my mouth and I moaned pitifully, resting my head against the cold, white tiles of the floor.

I jerked involuntarily when a hand was placed on my shoulder. Gasping, I scooted away into the corner and squeezed me eyes shut. Quiet footsteps echoed around the room and a second later the hand was placed against my shoulder.

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