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Let's see what being in a good mood and listening to music that isn't horribly dark can do to a chapter.

Also, cookies. I hope.


Seto's POV

Groaning, I manged to peel my eyelids open a crack. The pain still wracked my head, pulsing and sending my thoughts reeling.

The bright lights burned my eyes, but I managed to get them open enough to see in front of me.

Adam, I dimly registered. That's a lot of blood on him... wait..

I forced my arms to straighten underneath my body and hoisted myself up slightly. I nearly blacked out again from the pain that immediately washed over me, but I just forced myself even closer to him.

He was curled up on himself, sheilding his chest and face with his arms. I could see part of his sunglasses poking out from between his arms, and knew he was watching me.

"Adam?" My voice came out soft and hoarse, but he immediately flinched and recoiled. When he moved, blood started to stain his clothes at an even faster rate.

I swayed slightly from the pain but was able to put one of my hands up in what I hoped was a calming gesture.

"Adam, i's okay," I slurred slightly. "It's me, Seto."

He backed up even farther, hitting and sliding down the wall in a crooked, disjointed motion. A whisper of pain fell from his lips as he did so, and I shuddered in my own pain along with his. I couldn't hear anything from where the others had run off to, but I had clearly been out for a long time. If they hadn't come back for me, something had happened.

Grunting with effort, I hauled myself up until I was leaning against the wall in a standing position. Adam had started to tremble violently as he watched me, but hadn't tried to get farther away.

I swayed slightly at the pulsing pain and dizziness that rushed through my head when I pushed away from the wall. Notch, I wasn't going to be able to heal Adam. I can't concentrate enough.

I took a hesitant step towards him, but that was enough. Unfurling from his ball, he threw himself up and staggered a few steps down the hall.

"No! Please! Please, I'm sorry, I am, I am!" He screamed as I tried to get closer.

A bang sounded from somewhere in the castle, far away, but echoing down to us. Nervously, I placed a hesitant hand to my temple and placed the other on the wall. Taking a deep breath, I tried to use just a little bit of magic on myself. A horrific spike of pain through my head nearly sent me back down to the floor. A moment later, it was muted to only a severe headache.

"Right, one problem down. Now all we have to do is get out of here." I tried to give what I hoped to be a reassuring grin to Adam, but he just sobbed and backed away farther.

I sighed. "Adam, what the nether happened to you?" When he responded with a whimper of fear, I took a deep breath and did my best to push the pain of my head aside. I could already feel the magical painkillers starting towear off slightly, and I was getting even more tired by trying to keep a steady flow going.

"Adam, I am sorry about this." I whispered. Before he could react, I lunged at him and slammed him against the wall. A wail sounded as what surely must have been agony for him. I did my best to ignore it, only hoping I was right in reading his body language.

I hoisted him over my shoulder, staggering slightly from the weight. I had been right in guessing how badly injured he was. My guess was that he had been running on adrenaline, and would now be going into a minecraft equivalent of shock.

Sure enough, He didn't have the energy to struggle. He sobbed and whimpered against my arm as I stumbled out of the hall, but didn't struggle.

Pain was slamming through my head again, causing me to wince in discomfort and groan slightly. Grunting, I hauled Adam into a more comfortable position and turned the corner. What I saw nearly made me cry out in relief. It was the door.

I picked up my pace as much as I could, honestly not caring how much I was jostling Adam. I practically fell against the door, and it opened easily.

We sprawled out onto the grass, Adam falling off me. He started to try and crawl away again, but I sucked in a deep breath and shook my head. He froze.

"Not yet. Gotta get somewhere safe." I muttered.

With that, I collapsed to the ground, writing in pain. The last thing I saw was Adam falling down next to me, curling up as sobs wracked his body.


Whew, there we go.

Sorry for not writing more, but I am currently procrastinating homework and I am pretty darn tired.

Ah, well.

I'm sure bloxie'll do good with you, though, Here's the pen.

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