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*yanks pen away* You can have this back when I'm done with it

And now I have two cliffhangers to sort out

This ought to be fun, eh?


Seto's POV

As soon as the man appeared, I had thrown myself at him with all the strength I could muster.

Needless to say, it wasn't a good idea.

Without even looking at me, his hand flew back towards me and threw me at the wall. The air escaped from my lungs in a short burst on impact, and I struggled desperately to replace it. My limbs flailed uselessly, my torso pressed against the wall.

"I should slit your throat, right here and now..." A diamond sword had appeared in the mans hand, and he tapped it gently against Mitch's chest.

Mitch grinned, even though he was choking and gasping for air. "Yeah? Why-Why don't you... then?"

"I have someone who could do an even better job. Might even throw in some torture, if I allow it."

Mitch's smile flickered for less than an instant as his chest heaved and buckled. "Delighted to meet them." He choked. "After all, it only seems right that I suffer for letting my own brother die, you know?"

The man was still, quiet. His sword was no longer tapping, merely resting lightly against the delicate skin of his throat. Mitch was taking in great gasps of air now that he could breathe deeply without fear of being cut.

"Yeah, did you know that? Your fun little plague, it killed my brother. I heard his screams. He was ripped apart and eaten alive by your monsters. Those monsters that used to be people. Were they eaten alive too? I bet they were." Mitch paused, and shot me a warning look over the man's shoulder. He had him distracted. "Now, I don't know if you have ever had a brother, or family, or anyway you ever cared about, or if you can even feel anything, but you should know one thing."

Mitch's hand swung around from behind his back, an arrow clenched tightly in his fist. He buried it deep into his throat, twisting it on impact and forcing the point in. The man released his throat, and Mitch broke the shaft off as he slid down to the floor. Blood was flowing rapidly from the man's throat, and he was choking and coughing the stuff up. He stumbled a few steps before collapsing to his knees. Shooting a hateful look at us, he flickered and disappeared.

Silently, I slid down off the wall. Mitch was staring at the blood stained floor, impassively wiping his bloody hands off in his used to be white shirt.

He examined his fingernails for more blood, before licking his lips and turning to me.

"You good?" He asked gruffly.

I take a deep breath. "Yeah. Fantastic. In fact, how about you head towards the meeting point and I'll catch up with you?"

He nods and briskly walks down the hall. I wait until his footsteps fade away before bending down and placing my hands in the sticky mess on the floor. A faint smile crosses my lips. A fizz was running up my hands, dancing and sparking across my nerves. Rolling up my sleeves, I smeared a few hasty symbols on my skin.

The blood of a healer, uniting all healers. Protecting and hiding each other from their own kind.

I grin as I role my sleeves down, careful that no blood is showing.

"Good luck finding me now, you b*stard. And good luck with that stolen energy," I whisper to the blood. Turning, I spin around and stride down the hall. The marks sting my arms, but not unbearably. Just enough. Exactly enough.

Jerome's POV

"Filthy bacca, who are you? And I'm going to need one h*ll of a reason to not kill you." She whispered.

I gulped. "Um, Jerome? Hi?"

She rolled her eyes. "Idiot. I don't think you;re supposed to be down here, are you?"

That was enough for me. "QUIRREN! GO!"

Her head turns, staring down the hall. As she turns back to me, her eyes flash dangerously. "Yo messed up, Jerome the bacca. How many are there of you?"

When I don't answer, her sword lowers slightly and cuts across my shoulder. A cry of pain slips out of my mouth. She leans in close to my face and hisses, "Answer. Now."

The sword goes into the cut she made, and twitches slightly. "Two! There's only the two of us! We were looking for our friend!"

She sighs and leans her head forward. When she looks back up, her expression is full of sarcasm and distaste. "Yeah. okay. Sorry, chewie, but no. Two people couldn't sneak in here and get all he way down here. The Master is much to strong for that."

I bite my lip and stare nervously down the hall. Where was back-up? "I wouldn't be so sure." I spit, trying to sound confident. Think, Jerome, think. An idea suddenly pops into my head. "You've heard of a Healer haven't you?"

She smirks and laughs. "Master killed the Healer. I know he did."

"That's very funny, considering he doesn't look very dead."

She's just opening her mouth to reply when an agonized groan comes from the room behind us. Her confident smile turns to a frown and she swears.

"Not again. He just won't learn." She mutters. I strain desperately against her grip, trying to see Adam.

"You," She pokes my noise, "Need to wait here. I highly doubt you'll be doing that though, so..." Without hesitation, she hefts up her sword and drives it through my shoulder, pinning me to the wall as I scream. Through my hazy vision, I just manage to make out her horns as she walks back into the room. The door slams shut behind her, and there are hands, gentle hands, pulling out the sword, lifting me down.


Is evil fallout a thing

Because I feel like normal fallout would be evil fallout

oh well

Try to avoid mass homicide, evil blox

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