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Bloxie found her insanity *sniff*

I'm so proud

and never fear, you have not ruined my plans

for i have no plans

i literally make this up as I go along and it's like midnight where i live

let's see how an extremely exhausted fallout can write bc shes an insomniac and can't sleep


Adam's POV


I blinked my eyes, trying to clear my blurry vision. The sun was also really bright, which definitely wasn't helping.

"Seto?" I asked again. When there was no response I slowly turned myself over, expecting the pain to rebound. To my surprise and delight, it didn't.

I decided to push it even farther and stand up. When that was achieved painlessly, I swiveled around, looking for Seto.

"Hello? You here?" I called, "Or around?"

My voice echoed around slightly, and I sighed.

Notch, what if he was a hallucination too?

Is this?

Wasn't I back in the real world?

No, that wasn't real. This is clearly real.

Was Seto real?



He died, didn't he?

I shook my head and sighed. I went to shove my hands into my pockets, only to pull them back with a screech of terror.

Notch, blood, I'm covered in blood, there's blood everywhere, Notch, Notch, Notch, I killed Seto, I killed my friends, he came back, he came back, I was bad, Notch.

Staggering backwards, I turned and ran down the hill. There was a town below it, with lots of people everywhere.

Panting, I dove into the nearest alley I could find and ripped the disgusting, blood covered clothes off them. I replaced them quickly with clean clothes before leaning against the wall, trying to gain control of my labored breathing.

After what must have been a long time, I straightened up and started towards the entrance. I kicked the pile of clothes as I passed by, knocking them against the wall. I stopped and frowned wwhen my amulet and sunglasses fell out of the heap. With a sigh, I put them on and slid m hands into my now blissfully clean pockets.

"Seto? Seto! Setoooooooo!"

I froze and pressed myself against the wall at the voice calling for Seto. They're going to find out. If they find me, they'll know I killed him.


"Ian? Quentin?"

"Dude, what the nether is going on?"

"Is no one going to say hi to me?"

"Hi, Jerome. What;s wrong with Mitch? And why are you calling for Seto?"

The voices all mounted over each other, and I squeezed my eyes shut as they spoke. When I finally dared peek them open, I almost immediately regretted it.

They had moved into sight. Ryan, Jerome with Mitch over his shoulder, Ian, Quentin, and Jason. They were huddled next to a wall, deep in discussion.

Well, I didn't kill them at least.

But they want to kill me, don't they? They wanted my pain, didn't they?


Ty was running up the street towards the group, unknowingly straight at me. If he passed me, he would see my face. He would know. He would hurt me.

Mentally cursing, I spun around and strode up the rode, praying they wouldn't notice me.


Ryan's POV

"Dude, that's all of us! The whole team!" I cried as Ty joined our group. Jerome rolled his eyes.

"Well, that's good. I just want to know what we should do and what is happening." He grunted.

I shook my head. "I think we all do. Okay, quick update. Mitch is out of it, Quirren and Adam were kidnapped, and Seto is missing."

Ian's mouth dropped open. "Dude, what have you been up to?"

Jason snorted. "You really, really don't want to know. Right, so we probably want to get somewhere safe, then? We clearly have a lot to discuss and in a town of mindless people is not the place I want to be doing it." He gestured slightly towards all the glazed-eye people working in perfect harmony.

Ty frowned. "Wait, these people are all brain dead?"

I nodded. "Yep. Learned that the hard way." Jerome rolled his eyes.

He nodded slowly. "So, all the same, right? No differences?" Ty asked slowly. Jerome sighed and nodded.

"Why?" I asked.

Ty pointed at one of the crowds of people all moving in the same direction. "Well, I think that dude never received the memo. He's going the wrong way."

I frowned when I saw who he was pointing at. He was dressed in all black clothes, and the shirt hung off him slightly. A chain was visible around his neck, and the edges of sunglasses poking out under his hair.

Jerome froze. "Adam?" He whispered. Then, louder, "Adam! Stop!"

Adam shoved a person out of the way and broke into a sprint through the crowd. I cursed and started running after him. I could tell from the grunts and pants behind me that the others were following. There was hiss and a moment later, Jason shot out above us on his jet pack.

Flying, he was able to go faster than all of us and Adam. Without the crowds, he quickly caught up and landed directly in front of him.

Adam froze and tripped as Jason landed. Even from the distance I was at, I could hear the cry of pain it elicited. Now on his back, he appeared to be trying to crawl away from Jason.

I arrived just in time for him to back up into my feet, and he jumoed and cursed without even looking up. He held up a cautious hand.

"Look," he said slowly, "I'm sorry. I really, really am, I swear, I never meant to do it. It's not my fault." His breaths came as short sobs. "I- I didn't, please, I'm sorry, please!" He screamed and curled up as Jason took a step closer.

By now, the brain dead were beginning to register that something was wrong. Jerome ust have decided it wasn't worth it to be caught by them again, because he suddenly booked it out the gates with Mitch still on his shoulder. Ian and Ty both ran after him a moment later.

Quentin looked at me, then Adam, then shrugged. I nodded towards the gates and held a finger to his lips. He nodded and then slipped out the gates to safety.

Adam was now trembling violently, his muscles taught as he strained in his tense position. Jason gestured towards the gates, and I ran towards them. I had just run through when there was a terrified scream from behind me.

Jason had grabbed Adam, and was flying him to safety. I grinned and slammed the gates closed behind me.


Yay the whole team is there

and are now dealing with Adam

I am sorry, bloxie. You asked if Adam was sane again.

I considered it. I really did.

And then I decided, where's the fun in that?

Enjoy your cookies, yeah?

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