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Wow! you did an awesome job with my idea fallout!

Thanks for le pen.

I shall do good with it :)

Also... I haven't been writing in past tense... I'm sorry! I'll start doing that again!


Seto's POV

"Hey Mitch." I said wearily.

"Seto? where the heck are we? And where did Ryan come from?" He asked.

"Seto found me in the forest." Ryan responded.

"Well, good to see you godfather. Can you explain to me what I saw while I was asleep Seto?"

"Well, what did you see?"

Mitch's POV

I fell on my knees as blood poured out of my stomach.

'I'm going to die.' I thought, grasping the wound.

Adam said something over and over again, but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears.

A bright white light started to fill my vision as I laid down and the ringing changed to a beeping noise.

It sounded almost like a heart monitor.

The last thing I saw before the white light consumed me vision was Adam's crying face.

When I could finally see again, I was in some sort of hospital bed.

'What the heck?' I thought as I tried to sit up.

I looked down at my stomach and saw it was perfectly fine, no blood or any sort of cut.

'Was I dreaming?'

My eyelids suddenly become very heavy and I find it hard to stay awake.

Before my eyes shut completely, I saw the door to my room open, revealing a saddened Jason and a shocked Ty.

"I wonder what's wrong in Adam's-"

"Mitch?" Ty cut Jason off as my world was consumed by darkness.

I woke up again with Seto's concerned face hovering over mine.

Seto's POV

He explained everything he saw.

The hospital room, Ty and Jason, the conversation, all of it.

"Where is Adam?" Ryan asked.

Mitch looked around with an alarmed look on his face.

"He was just here..." his eyes widened and he shot up into a standing position.

"Jerome is still in the town!"

"C'mon, let's go." I said, picking up Quirren and starting to run towards the village.

Mitch pulled ahead of me while Ryan pulled the rear.

We reached the village soon after and come face to face with a crowd of people, all pointing their swords at the four of us.

I swallowed hard and took a step back.

"We mean no harm. We're just looking for our friend and passing through!" Ryan called out.

I hid Quirren behind my back as a figure walks through the crowd.

"Well, well, well, look who we have here. More awake mortals." a man said as he broke through the last of the crowd, his white eyes scanning us.

"Who the f-" Mitch slapped a hand over Ryan's mouth.

"Not in front of her." He growled in a low voice.

Ryan pushed Mitch's hand away.

"Who are you?" He corrected.

The man chuckled. "You mortals don't need to know who I am. Your looking for your friend, yes?"

I eyed the man up and down.

The man noticed my glances and made eye contact with me.

"Where's Jerome?" Mitch growled, ignoring the silent 'conversation' between me and the man.

"The bacca? he's fine." The man responded turning to Mitch.

"How'd you heal so quickly?"

Mitch gulped, then looked at me.

The man turned back to me and smirked.

"So your the healer?"

"I don't know what your talking about. I found him asleep on the ground by the forest." I lied, shaking my head.

I don't trust this man.

The man leaned closer to me and made it to where our faces were just millimeters apart.

"Don't lie to me boy."

Ryan pushed me back and took my place in the man's face.

"He's not lying. I was with him when we found our friend." Ryan stated sternly.

The man sighed and leaned away.

"Where's Jerome?" Mitch asked again.

Quirren griped my pant leg tighter and whimpered in fear.

'I wonder what's scaring her.'

"He's around here somewhere." The man replied, his white eyes never leaving me.

"Who's that?" he asked, pointing at my legs.

I looked down at Quirren.

"A friend of ours asked us to look over her. We're returning to their village now." Mitch replied as if it were the truth.

'If Mitch can lie this good... I wonder how many lies he's told us.'

The man sighed and turned around.

"You shouldn't be here." he said over his shoulder, before disappearing into the crowd.

"What was that about?" Ryan asked.

"I don't know... something tells me we're in for a lot of trouble, though..." I said, trailing off and picking up the scared little girl clawing at my pant leg.

Jason's POV

"Doctors, what's going on?" Ty asked hurriedly.

A nurse stopped next to us. "Your friend will be fine, please just let the doctors do their jobs."


I placed a hand on Ty's shoulder and shook my head.

"C'mon, let's go check on Mitch before we go visit Ryan and Seto." I suggested as the nurse ran into Adam's room and shut the door.

Ty sighed in defeat and we walked to Mitch's room.

"I wonder what was going on in Adam's-"

"Mitch?!" Ty exclaimed, stoping me mid sentence.

I looked over at Mitch's bed just as his eyes closed again.

"Mitch!" Ty yelled, tuning over to his and slapping his face.


"He was just awake! what the heck is going on Jason!" Ty exclaimed in a rushed tone.

"Ty, calm down. I don't know what's going on okay? Let's go talk to Ian and Quentin and see if Ryan or Seto woke up okay?" I said in a calm voice.

Ty inhaled deeply and sighed, nodding as he does.

"Okay, let's go."


Woo long chapter!

Here's the pen back Fallout :)

Good luck.

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