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(I'm also stealing bloxie's idea a bit but don't kill me plz it's a really good idea)



Adam's POV

"Y-you can't be... you aren't..." I stutter. Behind me, there's a sharp intake of breath from Mitch and Jerome growls loudly.

Bright white eyes squint angrily at us.

"Awake! Impossible. Minecraftia is dead!" He yells. We all flinch as his voice rolls over us.

I gape at him. "You did this? You started the apocalypse?"

He didn't exactly laugh, in fact, he hadn't moved his mouth at all when he talked. It just kind of felt like he was laughing.

"Mortals. An apocalypse, of course! Of course you would think it to be that."

Jerome shoves Quirren behind him and bravely takes a step forward.

"'Course it's an apocalypse. I don't know much, but I know that. I also know your behind it, and that the rest of our friends are missing." He growled.

Mitch hid Quirren behind his back and scooted back a few feet.

"And what are you going to do about it, bacca?" He taunted.

Jerome let out a roar and launched at him, only to land on one of the crowd as the man disappeared in a puff of smoke. The crowd fought against Jerome, trying to pin him down. Jerome growled again and, claws flashing, threw himself even deeper into the fray.

Mitch grabbed Quirren. "Adam, lets go!" He shouted.

We took off in the direction we had come at full speed, the sounds of massacre pushing us forward.

There was a bang and a flash of light in front of us, and we were thrown back into the ground.

I landed painfully on my back, crying out in shock on impact. Mitch threw Quirren off his back at the last second, and she rolled away unharmed while he also fell on his back.

Groaning in pain, I dragged myself up from the ground and gazed at the man.

Before I could take a step toward him, there was another bang and I flew up into the air. The ground approached much to quickly, and I slammed into it on my side with a resounding crack.

Trying to not scream against this new pain, I rolled into my back and clutched my side in agony. I dimly registered the man approaching me, and shuddered. He stopped above me and stuck out his foot as if to poke me, but went flying back a moment later as Mitch leapt forward and punched him in the face.

Panting, he hoisted my arm over his shoulder and helped me to stumble away. Quirren was no where in sight, along with Jerome.

We has made it about 50 blocks before Mitch suddenly cried out in pain and dropped me. I groaned as I hit the ground, but stopped quickly as I looked up.

Mitch was clutching at his stomach, desperately trying to stop the flow of blood that was staining his shirt.

Letting out a whimper, he dropped to his knees. Eyes glazed over, he fell forward onto me.

"No no no no no!" I cried. "Mitch, you're gonna be fine, okay? You're gonna be fine, I promise. It's gonna be okay." I muttered, pushing my hands against the wound. A gurgle sounded from his throat as he moved his hands to help me.

Behind him, the man smiled.

"Oh, Sky. I'm sure he will be fine. I honestly would be more concerned about what's happening to you!" He said cheerfully.

My hands twisted in Mitch's bloody shirt.

"Wha-what? What're you doing to me? You stabbed him!" I gasped.

"Who said injuries need to be visible?" He practically sang.

My eyes widened as I tried to push Mitch away from me. My legs stayed exactly where they were, and I fell onto my back.

"My legs, I can't feel my legs, what did you do?" I screamed, only to gasp as my stomach twisted in on itself and all the air seemed to leave my lungs. Blood rushes in my ears, and I could feel my heart beating faster and faster in my chest. Gasping, I managed to look up at the man.

"Oh, Sky. This isn't an apocalypse. This is a plague!" Herobrine yelled.

With a shudder, I felt my heart stop and I sank to the ground.


Seto's POV

I crashed angrily through the woods, cursing in minecraft lingo the whole way. Ryan followed a few feet behind me, seemingly wanting to stay out of my way.

How could I be so stupid? Releasing so much magical energy that it formed a poisonous mist, and accidentally sending it straight towards Adam, Mitch, Jerome, and Quirren. They could be dead, for No-

I break out of my thoughts as something like a yellow and white whirlwind suddenly tackles me around the waist. I heard Ryan jump and curse.

Gasping for breath, I looked down at whatever small train had hit me.

"Quirren? What's wrong?" All shock aside, I try to figure out what's wrong. Her face is stained with tears, and her arms and legs are covered in scratches as if she had run through the brush. Then again, she probably had.

"It's them!" She sobbed into my chest. "Mitch is bleeding everywhere, and Fluffy was fighting a town!" At this, I stand up straight and scan the area.

"Right. Lead the way. Ryan, we gotta move!" I order. He nods and I pick up Quieren, running in the direction she points.

We race through the woods, not caring about how much sound we make. Up ahead, I could see the edge of the woods.

I burst out and nearly stumble over the body. Mitch was laying a few feet away from the edge of the woods, on his back. Crimson blood stained his white shirt.

Plopping down next to him, I placed both hands over the wound and spoke quietly under my breath. Mitch gasped and began struggling.

"Hospital, I was in a hospital!" He gazed around. "Seto?"

Ryan and I sighed in relief as Quirren tackled him in a hug.

"Hey, Mitch." I said wearily.


Okay, apologies for any problems in this update. I am currently at a family party, and secretly writing this off my iPod. So, yeah. Sorry for any errors that might have occurred.

Anyway, cliffhanger number one resolved!


Have fun with that pen, bloxie!

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