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Thanks for the pen Fallout.

I think I'll get us another one over the weekend XD



Mitch's POV

"Hey, biggums. Long time no see!" The furry creature gleams.

I gasp and push my back against the tree's stem.

"Relax Biggums. It's me."

I sigh and chuckle. "Jerome, you scared me."

"Sorry I'm not sorry I guess. We need to get out of here though. The noise we made will attract more of them." Jerome says, his expression serious.

"How are you awake right now?" Adam asks, letting Quirren see again.

"Who's the bear?" she asks, giggling.

Jerome rolls his eyes. "First off, I'm a bacca. Not a bear. Second, I don't know what your talking about. Do you mean how'd I end up here? cuz i don't know how the nether-"

I slap a hand over his mouth as his eyes go wide.

He pushes my hand away. "Did I seriously just say Nether?"

I slap a hand over his mouth again.

He licks it, making me snap my hand away in disgust.

He smirks at my disgust.

"Yes you did say that. Am I the only one who doesn't want Quirren to grow up having a dirty mind?"

"Is that who this little angle is?" Jerome asks in a high pitched voice, tickling her.

She giggles and squirms in Adam's arms.

A moan stops Jerome in the middle of his fun.



He sighs. "C'mon, let's get out of here."

"Are the others here?" Adam asks.

Jerome shakes his head. "I don't think so..."

"Let's go before the slow ones make it here." Adam scowls.

We climb down from the tree and run through the forest, Jerome scoping the area ahead of us in the trees.

"Why are you so curse sensitive Mitch? you do it too." Adam asks, sprinting ahead of me slightly.

"Why do you think?" I respond, motioning to Quirren on my back.

She smiles brightly.

"There's some more bright people." she says, pointing to our left.

"Hear that biggums?" I call out to Jerome while stopping in my tracks

He falls out of a nearby tree and walks over to us.

"Yeah. What does that mean?"

"It was the same way she found Adam and lead us to you. We have a lot of explaining to do." Adam says.

Jerome nods, slightly confused.

"C'mon, she said they're that way. We should go see who it is." I suggest.

Adam and Jerome nod and we start to run in that direction.

We run for about five minutes before Jerome suddenly freezes, sniffing the air as he does.

"What is it Biggums?" I ask.

He sniffs the air one more time, then growls.

"Slow ones. At least a hundred of them."

"Sh..." I glare at Adam and he stops himself.

"We'll need to find a way to get a weapon before we can get to the person on the other side of this group." I say.

"What about Jerome?" Adam asks.

"I can kill a group of ten or twenty, but not that many."

I sigh. "Okay then, our first task is to get a weapon."

The group nods.

"I can help you with that."

We spin around and come face to face with a hooded man, his face hidden by his hood.

"Hey Seto." Quirren greets.


So theres a new character, yay!

Now I shall pass the (brand new) pen back to Fallout.

You did a good job on the last chapter by the way ;)

(Y'all go drop a vote on her story for me plz? much appreciated)

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