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Thank you fallout for the pen *snatches it from Fallout*

Hmm.. I love the cliffhanger you gave me! Good Bloxie normally takes these.

But hey, there's a first time for everything right?

Adam's POV (speaking of first times, in going to focus on Adam... Sorry I'm not really sorry, fallout normally does this)

My eyes flickered open and a bright light filled them.

I moaned in pain.

It was everywhere.

My arms.

My legs.

My mind.


I could barely register a door across the room, closing behind a girl.

The she demon.

I need to get away.

Worth the pain.

I pushed myself farther up on the wall into a better sitting position.

Pain ripped through my body, seising all attempts at movement.

The She Demon growled in annoyance and a whip appeared in her hand.

"I thought I told you to shut up!" She raised the whip and swung, missing my face by a couple of inches.

A terrified scream ripped itself from my throat and I jumped to the side.

I groaned at the pain from the small action and swore in my head.

The she demon huffed in annoyance and threw the whip to the side.

She then stuck her hands out, palms facing me, and muttered something under her breath.

Fire spread through my veins and I screamed in agony.

Make it stop.

She grabs the whip again.

Please, anything but this.



No more!



Stop it!


"Remember your lessons, little man."



Stop! Please stop it!





Mitch's POV

I stared at the she demon with wide eyes.

She held a chain whip in her hand, her galaxy-like eyes glowing with fury.

"You!" She roared, pointing a knife at Jerome. "You freed them!"

Jerome growled and bared his fangs. "You're hurting out friend."

The demon laughed. "Master's orders chewie."

"What'd you just call me?" He growled again.

I nudged him with my elbow in warning, which he ignored.

"Got a problem with the nickname, Chewie?"

Jerome snarled and lunged at her.

The fight was on.

So there's a cliffhanger for you Fallout.

I guess I somewhat have to give you the pen back... Considering your current situation...

I won't willing give you the pen often, so don't get used to it.

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