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Yay pen

What do I do with it


Something probably related somewhat to muse (the band) because I'm playing it really loud


3rd Person POV

The door slowly gained more and more of an outline. Hinges appeared, and then the shadow of a door handle. The other man shuffled anxiously from foot to foot in anticipation as a handle started to grow, gaining solidity the louder Adam screamed.

Adam gave one last final shriek before slumping into the corner, exhausted. The other Adam knelt down in front of him and tapped him on the cheek. When there was no response the man smiled and got up, striding confidently through the door.


Ian's POV

"Jason, are you okay?" I asked. Jason opened his mouth slightly, as if to speak, but then slumped forward onto his plate. Ty swore and ran over to him, shaking his shoulder. Jason didn't respond. Quentin swore violently as I fumbled for his pulse. I shook my head when I found it.

"Exactly like the other's. Guys, that's it. Something is happening. People are going to start getting suspicious."

Ty managed to get the rest of the sandwich off Jason's face. "Suspicious of what?" He muttered. "It's not exactly like we're hiding anything, Ian! We're just as lost and suspicious as the doctor's!" He yelled. Quentin shushed him, smiling nervously at the weird looks we were attracting.

"Yeah, well, I'm getting really f*cking freaked out, okay?" I whispered. "Something is happening to Team Crafted, and only Team Crafted. I did some research while I was sitting around. There have been no cases like this, either the symptoms or a group of people all getting it."

Quentin shook his head. "Are you saying we're being targeted, Ian?" He asked.

I nodded. "I don't see any other possible explanation, do you? Someone is knocking us out, one by one, for god knows why. Quentin, I. Am. Scared." I growled.

Ty snorted. "You think you're scared? I think we're all scared. If what you say is true, we are all screwed."

Quentin shrugged. "So, what do we do, report it to the to the police or something?"

I put my face in my hands. "I dunno, okay? Something has to change, now. And it's going to. Whether it be us going down too, or the hospital running tests, something has got to happen. I can't freaking stand not knowing."

6 hours later, Jason had been checked into the hospital and we were all scattered around the rooms again. I had been switching between Jerome and Ryan's room, with Quentin going between Mitch and Jason's, and Ty with Seto. We still weren't allowed into Adam's room.

I leaned my head against the wall, silently wishing for anything to happen. Anything. Not knowing was driving me crazy. When would it happen to us? Would it happen to us? What was it? How did you stop it? Who was behind it?

I was snapped from my lull when the door opened and a nurse entered. I ignored her. She was a usual, popping in every once and a while to check on Jerome. I turned away and resumed staring at the wall.

"Mr. Stapleton?"

I lazily turned to face her. "Yeah?"

She shifted from foot to foot. "We've noticed that what has been occurring with your friends has only been happening to your friends, and well, um. it's gotten kind of weird, to be honest. See, this has never-"

I cut her off. "Never happened before in any way, shape, or form. I know." I muttered. She nodded. "So, you see, we're getting concerned with the situation. I just need you to understand that whatever is happening to all your friends, could very well happen to you. We don't know if there is a pattern, or what is cuasing it, or what is happening at all. All we do know for sure is that it is staying in your group of friends."

I nodded. "Anything else?"

She took a deep breath. "You're being quarantined."

This caught my attention. "What?"

She said it again. "You, and your friends Quentin and Tyler are all being quarantined here in the hospital. We need to find out what is happening and do our best to prevent it from happening to you."

I sighed. "What about our friends? The ones who it has already happened to? And what about Adam?"

She bit her lip. "You will not be able to visit your friends again until the quarantine is lifted."

I rolled my hand in a go-on gesture. "And Adam? We haven't been able to see him for a while. I'd like to know what's going on before you lock us up."

She corrected me. "Not lock-up, sir, just-" I silenced her with a glare. She sighed. "Mr. Dahlberg flat lined earlier, and has done it twice since then. His brain activity is incredibly high. He is running a high fever, and suffered a seizure."

I gasped. "What? He's okay now, isn't he?"

She pressed her lips together in a thin smile. "He's being kept in constant observation in the ICU. I am sorry, Mr. Stapleton."

I jumped up from the chair. "It's Ian. And, yeah, let's do this quarantine thing. I want to know what's going on before that happens to anyone else who's down for the count right now."

She smiled. "Right this way, then, Ian."


Right, okay, I don't know how accurate the stuff about a quarantine is. It just seemed to make sense. I apologize.

Anyway, bloxie, *slips pen under table where @TheDiscoDino can't get it* There ya go.

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