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The dark side welcomed me.

*Smoothly grabs pen and starts twirling it*

Now, what to do with my new found insanity?


Adam's POV

To my horror, I watched as the other me silently stood up straight from where he was leaning against the wall and walked towards Ty, who was staring at me confusedly. I screamed and tried to throw myself forward, only to have my attempt blocked.

The other plunged his fist into Ty's chest. His mouth dropped open, and his eyes fell to his chest. Blood was spilling over his shirt, quickly staining it.

The other grinned and twisted his arm, and a strangled cry fell from Ty's mouth. I howled as he slowly looked back up at me, eyes wide in shock. A trickle of blood spilled over his lips, and a wet gurgle sounded from the back of his throat. He fell to his knees as the other yanked his arm free, now stained with red. He wiggled his fingers at me.

"Don't you see what I could do!" He cheered. "You. Want. This." He growled. I screamed again, not even watching him. My eyes were trained on Ty's body, which now had a pool of scarlet growing across the floor under it. Tears blurred my vision and I cried out at his blank, shocked expression.

"Oh, Sky. You hate him, you know you do. You just refuse to remember," he sighed. "But I do. I remember, and nether, we hate him. We fantasized about spilling his blood, hearing his screams."

A choked sob escaped my throat. "No." I gulped. The other sneered at me.

"Oh, yes. Yes yes yes. I am you, Sky. You are me. We dreamed of this. It comforted us. Notch, it kept us alive!" He shouted. I flinched and started sobbing.

"No!!" I yelled.

The other grabbed my chin with his bloody hand and forced it up. Glaring at me, he bared his teeth in a growl.

"Yes. Remember it, remember it! I know you want to, Sky. Remember!" His voice roared through my ears as he suddenly clutched the sides of my ears, and I wailed out in agony.Blackness overtook my vision as I thrashed on the bed.

Blood splattered the dark walls, barely visible against the black cobblestone. A man was huddled in the corner of the room, his breathing shallow and ragged. His arms were curled around his legs, which he had tightly pulled to his chest. His skin had a horrid grey pallor, and he was shivering from the blood loss. His eyes were tightly shut, as though he could block it all out.

A door was thrown open at the far end of the room, and he flinched and cried out. His legs and arms shot out, adding to his agony, and he scrambled to push himself even farther back into the corner. His breathing grew into a rapid pant as footsteps echoed around the room.


The voice was harsh, cold. It rang about the room, burning the man's sensitive ears. He whimpered and clutched at them.

"P-please, no, please, please, I'm sorry," He whispered.

There was a snort of disgust. "He can't do anything right, can he. Nonstop torture, that's what your life has been! Are you listening to me! All you've ever known is pain!" He screamed.

The man whimpered and nodded quickly. "Y-yes sir, pain."

"And yet, it's still not enough. You hang on by a thread, barely clutching to your sanity. Oh, I broke you," he gloated, "I completely shattered you. And yet, you aren't insane yet. And I need you to be."

The man shivered. He didn't know how to be insane. He wished he could, so that the pain would stop.

"Very well, then. What could it be, holding you together? You are faithful to me, terrified of me. And yet, you will not be my perfect servant. Why not?" He mused.

The man merely curled himself up into a tighter ball. He knew what was coming. It was always like this. Master would gloat, and then the pain would come. It was always this way.

"Oh, oh, oh. I see. You aren't even hanging on by yourself, are you? No, you hang onto someone else, is that it?"

The man let out a sob.

"Friends," he sneered. "So stupidly brave, utterly loyal, and horribly pathetic. Where are your friends, Sky? Surely, if they loved you, they wouldn't have left you here? They would have come for you? Well? Where are they! They abandoned you! Left you for dead! They hate you, and want you dead! They enjoy your pain."

There was a flash of silver as a knife was drawn, and the first screams rang out, but mixed with sobs.

My eyes flew open and I gasped.

Oh, Notch, Notch, NOTCH!

Memories were flooding through my mind, destroying everything in their path. I twitched and shuddered as their poison raced through my mind, tearing down any barriers I had left. Ty's body wasn't on the floor anymore, and the other was gone.

I was alone.

My hands started to tremble and I instinctively pulled against the restraints. "No, no, no! Not again, please!" I cried out.

I was tied up. Master would be back, he would bring the pain back. He'd come back, he'd come back, he'd come back!


Insanity level: Loading_

Loading Complete

Insanity level: 99.9%

Have fun with that pen, bloxie. And bring me more cookies plz

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