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Whoops It's kinda late where I live oh well let's write a chapter anyway CUZ I FORGOT AGAIN


Oh well.


Seto's POV

"Hey, Seto, will telling you not to look down help?"

I grit my teeth and shot the nastiest look I could manage at Jerome. It was somewhat difficult, considering how badly I was shaking.

"No, thanks, I don't think it will. Do me a favor and shut up before I hitch a ride on you?" I toss back.

Devin shakes his head. "Give him a break, Jerome. As much as I hate it, it's probably the deterioration again."

I huff and force my trembling muscles to pull me up another brick. All around me are grunts and sighs as the team slowly scales the wall.

"Fan-freaking-tastic. You know, it was always on my bucket list to climb a wall while my body slowly shuts down on me randomly."

Ian snorts from above me, but Devin just climbs up a few more stones and shoots me a confused look. "What's a bucket list?"

"Oh, right not from here. Basically it's a bunch of-oh, you know never mind." Jerome began explaining, but cut off as a spasm rippled through my arms and I nearly lost my grip. I cried out as it coursed through my muscles, but it was brief and I was left cling to the wall, breathless, when it passed.

"Y-you know, I feel like me climbing a wall right now is not the best idea, you know what I'm saying?" I ask.

"Jason's just flying Quirren up. I'm sure he can probably give you a boost." Quentin offered. I groaned and clutched at the wall even tighter as a particular nasty breeze sent our clothes flapping and hair spilling across our faces.

Ty grunted and heaved himself up a few more blocks so that he was next to me. "One limb at a time. Move one hand, then the other, then a foot, then the other. Just take it easy." He coached.

I sucked in a deep breath before following his instructions, slowly moving one limb up at a time. It was slow going, and my whole body was trembling at the effort of getting up 13 blocks.

"Take a rest, bud. Jason's coming down again." Jerome said quietly. I didn't need any more encouragement. Pressing myself against the cool stone, I rested my cheek against it and allowed myself to relax as much as I could while holding myself on the edge of a huge tower.

There was the whooshing of jet packs, and Jason appeared behind us a moment later. "Who's up next on Jason express?"

Devin and Ian both immediately pointed to me, and Jason looped his arms under mine and pulled me away from the wall. A moment later, there was a hiss of compressed air and we shot up.

Quirren was crouched on the top of the tower, hiding herself from view. Jason dropped me up there and she motioned for me to do the same.

"W-what's going o-on?" I whispered.

She motioned in a vague down direction. "It's still light out. They could see us. We need to wait till it's dark."

I nodded. "S-smart."

She gave me a half-hearted grin, but the grief of losing Connor was still shining in her eyes. "By the time they get up here, it'll be dark."

I chuckle and curl up in a ball at the violent cramp it causes in my chest. "Yeah," I gasp, "they're slow."

A sad smile lit up her face for a second, but then she was serious again and watching the town below us. I sighed and resigned myself to the fact that I wouldn't be doing anything until this all cleared up, if it dead.

I tried to lay as still as possible to get some sleep, considering that seemed to help last time, but my body wasn't having any of it. If my arm or leg wasn't twisting out awkwardly, my whole body was shaking incredibly hard. A migraine started forming within a few minutes of laying down.


I flinched at the sound that seemed to rip through my brain and moaned. I peeled my eyes open, surprised but glad that it wasn't light out anymore. The light would probably kil my head right now. But that also meant we had to move.

"You ready to go? You fell asleep." Ryan said.

I nodded. "Fine. Just a slight headache. Nothing to worry about. Let's do this." I gave him a smile, and did my best to force down my ever growing nausea and splitting headache in my skull.


Just wanted to highlight Seto's deterioration a bit more

Poor Seto

I have way too much fun writing it XD

Now, considering I haven't done this in a while, can I chuck the pen at bloxie's head again? We always pass it off so formally these days. It's so boring. I prefer throwing.


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