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What a wonderful cliffhanger.... >:D


*crams cookies into my mouth*


Ryan's POV

"You piece of sh*t," I growl. "F*cking b*stard!"

He grins. "Now, no swearing. Wouldn't want little lighty here to get a dirty mind, now would we?" He chuckled.

Mitch took a step forward. "What do you want, you sadistic little wither?"

The man cocked his head, staring at Mitch with his unnerving white eyes. "Simple, but bold. I like it. Well, I shall answer simply but boldly as well. I want you all dead."

Ian nodded. "Figures. Um, why, exactly?"

He snorted. "You're in my way."

I smiled. "Yeah, that sounds about right. Now, uh, guys, I think that is our cue." I turned around and yanked Mitch back by the elbow, forcing him to sprint along beside me. Jason took off on his jet pack, and Jerome got down on all fours and hauled Quentin onto his back.

I slung my bow and arrows off my back and tossed them behind me. "Ian!" I called, "Keep them back!"

There was a grunt if understanding from Ian and he slowed to the back of the group, an arrow already in place.

"They aren't following us!"

"Well, keep an eye out then. Jason, you too!" I screamed. Jason nodded and flew even higher above us.

"Where are we going?" Mitch panted.

Ty shrugged as he ran alongside us. "Generally in the away direction, I think!"

Mitch huffed but sped up slightly, leading the group as we ran across the open field. I nearly laughed as we sprinted, the exhilarating moment pumping me full of adrenaline.

There was a sickening scream and a crack behind us, and I tripped in an attempt to stop.

Adam was pinning Ian to the ground, twisting his arm horribly behind his back. Quirren was sanding next to him, hands out, making the area around them glow a sick green.

"Quirren, stop!" Mitch screamed. Ian was panting and struggling against them, but his movements were growing slower. As we watched, his head began to drift down.

"No!" I yelled. "Quirren, please! Adam!"

Quirren's parents and the man appeared behind them, the man watching with satisfaction, and her parents staring blankly at the ground.

Ian was still panting, but his struggles had stopped all together. It was clear that he was fighting to stay awake.

"Stop it! Stop! Ian! Adam, no! Please!"

The man glanced up at us and sneered. "Do it faster," he snapped at Quirren. Beads of sweat were appearing on her forehead, and her whole body was trembling violently as she fought to cast the spell even quicker.

"Faster!" He roared. He strode over to Quirren and raised his hand above her. The resounding smack was harsh, and the force of it knocked her over.

"Do it faster, light!" He yelled.

She was slowly picking herself up from the ground, her white eyes flickering madly, when the man was suddenly tackled from behind.

Adam had released Ian and was now pinning the man to the ground. His lips were pulled back in a horrible, animistic smile, and his arm trembled violently as he placed it at his throat.

"Yeah, Adam!" I cheered. Ian was crawling back over to us, desperately trying not to put any weight on his broken arm.

"You- you did this to me- all the pain- and the agony- it was you!" Adam spit.

The man was staring at Adam with a mix of confusion and shock. "You can't have broken free already, he was too strong!" He snarled.

Adam shook his head slowly. "Oh, Adam is still in my head. I still want to butcher all his little besties over there just as much as I want to rip your heart out. You think just because he doesn't want to remember, that I won't? I heard it, I heard it! You used to hit us that was, for hours on end! You wanted this, and look how it has rebounded." Adam laughed. "You thought you could control his insanity, use it! I'm his insanity, master!" He leaned down so that he was in his face. "And you did this to me."

With a guttural scream, Adam latched both of his hands around the man's thoat. The man scrabbled weakly against him, but didn't have the oxygen to say a spell.

"Guys, we need to go," I whispered. Quirrens parents were slowly advancing on Adam.

Jason looked over at me, startled. "But, what about Adam? And Quirren?" He asked. I shook my head. "Quirren is still possessed, and I do know what is happening, but that is not Adam. We need to leave."

Mitch nodded, his eyes still trained on Quirren. "Yeah. We need to find Seto." He muttered. "Let's go."

We turned and jogged away from the group, Jerome now giving Ian a lift. I couldn't help but turn and look as Adam screamed in anguish. Quirren's parents were holding him, and the man was chanting something so that he writhed in pain. I looked away as Ty gently touched my arm.

"Come on," He whispered, tears in his eyes, as Adam screamed again.


Did you reaaaaally think Adam was safe?


I am the ruler of Adam!whump

Now, back to bloxie to hopefully know what to do with all the plot holes I just created

Good luck, bloxie!

*munches cookie and attempts to give one to anyone who reads*

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