
353 16 2

Dem feels doe!

Now... how to add on to that...


Mitch's POV

We slowly made our way back to the group, Devin staring blankly at the ground the whole way.

Jerome greeted me with a pat on the back and Connor ran to my side before we all walked through the forest.

"So how far do we need to go?" Ian asked, breaking the silence between us.

"Well, considering how fast they found our other base, unless we find some hidden place to hide, we'll have to walk for at least a couple days." Seto answered, looking at the trees around us.

"A couple days?" Quentin asked.

Ty nodded from the front of the group and turned to talk to us, walking backwards.

"It's better than-" he cut himself of with a small shriek as the ground suddenly gave way under his feet and he fell into the earth.

"Ty!" we shouted as we ran to the edge of a big hole in the ground.

I pulled Quirren off my shoulders and placed her on the ground before kneeling next to the edge.

"I'm alright." Ty coughed. "It's not that far down."

"What's down there Ty?" Ian asked.

Ty looked around and smiled.

"Looks like a cave. Closed off on both ends."

Seto smiled and looked up at us. "Hello hidden base."

I rolled my eyes and looked at Devin.

Noticing his distraught look, I stood and made my way over to him.

"You okay Devin?" I asked.

He shook his head, his eyes trained on Quirren.

"Wanna talk about it?" I asked quietly.

He shook his head again. "I've bothered you enough. Go help your friends, I'll be fine."

I opened my mouth to protest, but then decided against it and walked over to the edge of the hole.

"Are we going to make stairs coming up to the surface?" Jerome asked, grabbing at the edge of one of the grass blocks.

"I think that'd help Biggums." I chuckled.

He rolled his eyes and removed the grass block.

After a couple minutes, the top of the base was closed off, the stairs were built and hidden to the surface, and torches were let on the walls.

The base was ready.

"Okay, base number two is set. Let's hope that man doesn't find us." Jason said.

Ryan snorted. "Yeah. Is anyone else creeped out by the way he calls Seto, Healer?"

Devin suddenly froze and turned to Ryan.

"Who did he call healer?" Devin asked.

Ryan pointed to Seto, who shot Devin a questioning look.

"You're a sorcerer?" he asked, walking over to Seto.

He nodded and took a couple steps back. "ummm yes?"

Devin stopped in front of Seto and looked him up and down.

"How did he know? what made him think this?" He muttered to himself.

"Devin what the heck are you talking about?" I asked.

Devin looked down at the ground and walked away from Seto.

"Daddy?" Quirren asked.

Devin shook his head and slid down the wall.

"I don't understand..."

"What don't you understand? Is a healer bad?" Ty asked.

Devin shook his head. "No, not at all. I just don't understand how the most overpowered sorcerer could not even be from Minecraftia."



Another terrible cliff hanger for fallout.

Here's the pen back, Fallout.

Hope I didn't make it hard to continue.

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