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Time to make chaos :3


Mitch's POV

I sit next to Jerome as the sun starts to rise over the forest in the horizon, still no sign of Seto.

Adam sighs impatiently and plays with Quirren's hair as she naps in his lap.

"When will Seto be back?" Adam asks, irritation and a hint of worry clear in his voice. (wut?)

"Adam, you've asked that for the past hour. We don't know okay?" Jerome growls through gritted fangs. (or teeth whatever you want to call them)

He sighs and stares at Quirren's sleeping face.

"She's too little to be going through this." I mumble, looking back at the forest.

The sun raises higher in the sky and casts it's ugly yellow glow on the world around us as we wait for our friend.

"You don't think he..." Jerome trails off.

"Let's not be negative. The last thing you want to do in this type of situation is be negative." Adam says.

"Have you been through this before Adam?" I ask, turning my attention back to him.

"No, but it happens in the movies."

"Adam really? this isn't the movies." Jerome says.

"You two are just a couple of rays of sunshine aren't you?"

"Guys let's stop this okay? if we keep picking at each other we'll wake up Quirren." I say.

Adam and Jerome sigh in annoyance.

"Since when are you Quirren's mother Mitch?" Adam mumbles.

I inhale sharply and bite my tongue to keep from smarting off.

"The purple mist seems to be coming this way. We should probably go." Jerome points out.

I turn and face the forest, sure enough the purple mist we saw before is slowly making it's way towards our small huddle.

"Wake up Quirren, we need to move." I order, taking one last sip of the clear water before standing.

Adam shakes Quirren lightly and whispers something in her ear.

She groans and sits up.

"Where's Seto?" she asks, her soft voice groggy from the hour of sleep she had.

"We don't know. We need to keep moving though. He'll catch up to us though, don't worry." Adam encourages.

Quirren nods and hops on to Adam's back.

"Let's go." Jerome says.

Me and Adam nod and we start to walk away from the mysterious fog.

"Are you scared Biggums?" Jerome whispers to me.

I shake my head. "No, I'm just worried about Seto. That mist came from him I can tell."

Jerome pats my back with his paw.

"He can take care of himself. Right now, we need to keep Quirren safe."

I nod. "Right. The slow ones won't stop till all of Minecraftia-" I pause.

"Am I seriously talking in minecraft lingo?"

Jerome nods. "Yeah. It's really weird to hear yourself saying things like that."

I shake my head. "Anyways, the slow ones won't stop until all of Minecraftia is either one of them, or dead. At least, that's what I think."

Jerome nods. "I agree. We need to find some weapons soon if we even want to have a chance of survival."

I face palm. "We got so distracted when Seto came that I forgot we were still looking for weapons and a shelter."

Jerome chuckles. "Hopefully we'll find a town soon."

"Hey guys, are you hungry?" Adam asks from a couple feet behind us.

My stomach growls in response.

"I wasn't before you said something. Let's keep walking until we find a village. Maybe they'll have some food and weapons for us." I reply, looking at the sun as it reaches it's highest peak in the sky.

Jason's POV

It's been a day since Mitch and Adam fell into their coma like state.

Jerome hasn't come out of his bedroom and the rest of the team is moping around.

The house jut isn't the same without them.

I walk up to Jerome's room to check up on him, knocking quietly.

No reply.

"Jerome you okay?"

Still nothing.

Panicking slightly, I burst through the door.

Jerome lay in his bed, his covers wrapped in a messy roll around his legs and arm.

I walk over to him and shake him lightly.


Panicking, I call out to the team and continue to try and wake Jerome up.

Still nothing.

"What's wron-" Quentin freezes mid sentence as he enters the room.

I look up at him as the rest of the team joins him in the doorway.

"Jerome's gone."


So much for chaos...

Oh well, I'll probably add some later XD

But seriously though...

Here's the pen Fallout.

I'll be able to write a little more thanks to an injury...

But I'm fine don't worry :)


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