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CRAPCRAPCRAP *flails wildly**desperately snatches at pen*

phew. Got it.

Ooooo, more cliffhangers? You spoil me!


Mitch's POV

The door opened silently, welcoming us into the dark room. Looks were exchanged between us, and we slipped inside.

My feet shuffled over the hard floor, my hands pushing through the dark in a desperate attempt tp find something to hold onto. My hands finally found purchase on the far wall, and I whistled quietly. A moment later, I felt warm bodies brush against me as they also found the wall. There was a hiss, a plunk, and the room was illuminated in a warm yellow glow as a torch was placed.

The room was relatively small, a fireplace set against the far wall and a bed placed in the corner. A painting was hung upside down over the fireplace.

"Not your usual decor," Jerome commented.

I rolled my eyes. It was definitely not the time for sarcastic comments. Shooting him a look, I walked over to the door and pushed it open a crack. A dark hallway met my eyes, and I sighed.

"I don't think there's anyone out there. It's freaking impossible to see, though. I hope we get some light at some point, or we're never even going to be able to find the dude," I said as I stuck my head back in.

Devin shrugged. "Let's carry on, then, shall we?"

We exited the room in a single file, making sure the torch was removed and door shut behind us. I led the way down the hall, incredibly aware of the way our footsteps eerily echoed around the hall. One turn, two turns, three turns, and I could make out a flickering yellow light at the end of the hall, just barely lighting up the area enough to see. Ian pointed to it, and I nodded.

We al crowded under it. "This is impossible! We're never gonna be able to find him in this maze of a place, in the pitch black as well!" I hissed.

Ryan sighed. "Yeah, got it. I am really not beginning to like this. He has a town so locked down that we couldn't even step inside, but here we are, three hallways down from where we first entered and have encountered no resistance."

Seto, who's sickly pale skin was not visible, nodded. "As much as I'd like to say it's luck, I don't think it is. And our proof is right there," He pointed at Devin, who had Quirren in his arms.

"Us?' He asked, surprised. "Why us?"

"He's a dark sorcerer. If he was in this castle, a contained area, don't you think you'd be able to feel him by now? Maybe a bit tired, dizzy, anything?"

Devin shook his head, eyes wide. "Nothing. How about you, squirrel?"

Quirren shook her head. "No. It's not cold like last time."

I grunted. "Fantastic. Well, if there is not immediate threat, I say we split up and scope the area. Devin takes the most obvious places someone could be hiding with one other person, and we all split up into pairs of two are something and just do a sweep of the floors."

Quentin nodded. "How many floors are there?"

Devin paused, staring at the ceiling. "Six, I think."

"Right, so, we each split up and take one? This one is pretty much done anyway." Ian decided, and we all nodded in agreement.

"We need to do this carefully. If one group is ambushed, they need to be able to fight back. I;m thinking Seto goes with Mitch, Quirren with Jerome, Devin and Ian, Jason with Ty, and Me with Quentin. That way, we could all stand up to a fight." Ryan sorted us all into pairs.

"Right, well, see you in a bit then." Seto said quietly. We all dispersed, Devin having given us directions on where to go.

As expected, the halls were dark and quiet, the only things moving the shadows and us. My sword tapped against my leg nervously, and I couldn't stop my eyes from darting around the area.

"Seto, I don't even understand how you're walking." I can't take it. A dry chuckle answers my words.

"Pure determination of will?" He says back. His whole body was shaking incredibly hard, and his feet were sliding on every step. I considered asking him to sit down and take a break, but decided against it. He wouldn't go for it if he was this determined.

"What's got you so determined, anyway? There isn't much of a threat so far."

"He has my powers, Mitch. Mine. All my magical energy. I will die. I want it back, before he can destroy everything with it. Is that a good reason?" He spits.

"Hey, i'm pissed at the guy too. His little plague took my little brother. I know you want revenge Seto, but you are not the only one." I shoot back.

"Yeah, well, sorry, but your brother is already gone. I know I;m being selfish here, and I hate myself for it, but I still could have a chance."

Tears sting my eyes. "How dare you." I hiss. "How. F*cking. Dare. You." I stop walking and turn to face him. "I don't give a sh*t if you still have a chance, Seto. My brother is dead and gone. How am I even going to explain that to our parents? Because, somewhere, he was lying asleep, and suddenly died. How do I explain that, when I'm asleep just like he was? How do I do it? How do I tell my own parents that no, he didn't die like that. That he died saving a young sorcerer from being eaten alive."

"I don't know, Mitch! All I know is that, somewhere, I'm laying asleep too, and my mom is probably sobbing! If I die, she will go through what your parents are, except there will be no one to explain. Not even to try!"

I bite my tongue, trying to think of a response, when i suddenly freeze. "Seto, does arguing always have healing properties for you, or did you just make a three second recovery?"

Hus eyes widen and he looks down. His trembling is nonexistent, and his skin is a healthy pale with a pink tinge.


"You know, it's rude to drop by without at least letting the host know, I could have prepared snacks."

A sinking feeling in my gut, I turn just in time to see white eyes before I'm slammed against the wall and pinned there by my throat. A choked gurgle escapes my mouth, and I hear a cry of pain from Seto.

"Very, rude." He grins evilly, white eyes flashing.


*Quickly tosses pen back*


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