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Don't do dis fallout.

*watches pen fly across the room at face*

*yelps and ducks*

*somehow miraculously catches pen*

Huh? never mind. We can throw it XD

Well, time for Bloxie to plan and create cliff hangers for the fantastic fallout to solve... the question is, who will suffer first?


Mitch's POV

Seto staggered up into a standing position and nodded towards us, giving us the silent signal that he was ready to go.

I looked over the edge and saw the terrace ten blocks away.

"Can you climb down Seto? it's not that far?" I asked.

Seto shakily made his way over to the edge and nodded slowly.

"I think I can."

"Jason you got Quirren?" Devin asked.

Jason nodded and scooped her up in his arms.

"Everyone else ready?"

"What's the plan when we get inside?" Ian asked.

"We find the sorcerer and kick butt." I answered simply.

Jerome shrugged and climbed over the edge.

"See you on the terrace." he said, before starting his descent.

Jason turned on his jetpack and took off, flying over the edge with Quirren in his arms.

Ian and Quentin made their way over to the edge and climbed down, followed by Ty and Ryan.

Soon it was just me and Seto left.

"You go ahead Seto, I'll go down last." I said.

Seto nodded and sat on the edge.

He swung his feet over and, shakily, started his descent.

"You okay Seto?" I asked, looking over the edge.

He nodded quickly and slowly stepped down again.

"Take your time Seto. No need to rush." I said quietly, noticing his ragged breathing.

He nodded and slowly stepped down to the next brick.

I watched him as he carefully made his way down to the terrace until he made it safely down.

"C'mon Biggums!" Jerome called quietly.

"Coming." I called back, swinging my legs over the edge.

I made my way down slowly, careful not to loose my footing.

About half way down, I stepped on a brick, but it slid out from under me.

I gasped and held the wall tightly, my heart rate increasing rapidly.

"You okay Mitch?" Devin called.

"Yeah! just a loose brick!" I gasped, placing my foot on another brick.

Soon, I had reached the terrace and crouched next to the door way.

"You guys ready?"

They nodded slowly.

Here goes nothing.



Bad cliff hanger for fallout to make an excellent chapter off of.

I literally wrote this in the first 15 minutes of third hour cuz I won't have time to after school...


So now I get to toss the pen back to you now correct fallout?

(Sorry for reposting, people on the app couldn't see this)

The PlagueTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon