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Oh the things I could do with these cliffhangers

And I'm gonna do it really fast because I have a project due tomorrow

I'm building a hydrogen fuel cell (Fallout is a complete and utter nerd)



Mitch's POV

Seto lay motionless on the forest floor, despite the fact that I might have just stepped on his face.

"Seto!" I called. He remained unresponsive, sos I slowly stood up and crouched next to him.

Notch, was he dead?!

It didn't look like he was breathing, but it was hard to tell with his robes..

Cursing, I gently reached out to poke his arm. One poke. Two. Three. Four still gained no response, so, frustrated, I jabbed him in the cheek.

The next thing I knew, I was flat on my back and seeing stars. I groaned and tried to roll over, only to find my movements hampered.

"Dude, Seto," I groaned,"You are way to good at playing dead." I chuckled slightly.

There was a rustling and his face appeared above mine. "M-mitch?"

I smirked. "Dude, where have you been? Adam was dead set he killed you."

Seto glanced around nervously. "Adam? No, not Adam, is Adam here? You have him with you?"

I shook my head as I eased myself into a sitting position, still trying to blink the stars out of my eyes. "No, somethings messed up with him. He wants to kill us, and there is someone following us around."

Seto gave me a hand up. "Someone following you around? Who? Did you see them?"

I shrugged. "Nope. Only Adam could. We all figured he was invisible."

Seto looked at me seriously. "Mitch, there is no one following you around."

I grunted and started walking back to the campsite. Seto quickly caught up to me.

"Mitch, I'm serious," He insisted.

"Then what's going on?" I shot back.

"He's hallucinating, Mitch. Adam was seriously tortured. To my best guess, he thinks hes seeing his torturer follow him around."

I shot him a look as we neared the clearing."How do you know that?"

He immediately went pale and stuttered out an answer. "When I-um-found him, in the castle, he- um- he was really bloody and stuff, so I just assumed-"

I cut him off. "Seto, you were downright positive. Where were you, anyway?" I accused.

He shook his head as we finally got back. The others all looked up as we got there, eyes wide in shock.

"Mitch, I can't-"

"Can't what, Seto?" I sighed.

His hand yanked my arm and I was spun around to face him. He yanked his hood back slightly to reveal a series of bruises that had been hidden. Anger sparking in his eyes, he poked one.

"I know because it happened to me, Mitch! I was kidnapped and captured, and I'm pretty d*mn sure a lot of the blood on those walls wasn't mine!"


There we go. Itsy bitsy chapter with a crap ton of angst.

Now, I'm off to build my hydrogen fuel cell(cookies to you if you know what that is)

and to decorate for Halloween

I don't care if its still September

Its almost Halloween

Sooooooo have fun with that pen, bloxie. And maybe some cookies.

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