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I could explain

But you are probably all sick of my crap by now

So I just apologize for my extreme lateness in uploading and carry on


Adam's POV

Oh, Notch.

Notch, it hurt so much, it hurt so much.

My eyes snapped open as the pain completely registered. My limbs were all being pulled in different directions, tearing at my muscles and writing my body in pain. I tried to move, to get away from it, to even twitch, but every part of my being would scream in agony at me as I shuddered.

I tilted back my head and screamed, desperate for the pain to stop. Just make it stop.

It didn't. A spike wedged itself into my stomach and shot through me, surely ripping apart my insides. I tried to see, to see what was hurting me so much, to even think, d*mnit.

My sight was tinted red around the edges, the burning in my brain licking at the flames covering my vision. I tried to look around, but my leg being ripped apart sent my mind reeling and tore a scream from my sore throat.

I hung limply, still. D*mnit, get out of here. Think, think, think, think, think, THINK.

I took a deep, rasping breath and shuddered. Everything seemed to get more distant, until my screams were just a quiet ringing in my ears.

Grass. Dead grass below me. Definitely. Feet. Two pairs of feet. Need to move to see more, not worth it.

Man. Master? Who was master? Just man. Standing over girl. Girl in white. Kneeling. Staring at ground? Not looking. Eyes covered. Scared? Shaking. Scared? Heaving. Not scared, but crying. Crying.

Quirren was crying.


I threw my head and screeched, allowing the pain to come back and block out my vision again, overcome my sense. It flooded my mind, racing through it, destroying it.


It coursed through my body, ripping, shredding, killing me. Every one of my muscles and nerves folded in on themselves and tore apart.

And then it was gone.

4 seconds ago
I lifted my head slightly, vision tinted. Ragged gasps forced my chest up and down, and blood roared in my ears.

Slowly, I lifted and hand up and rubbed the steady trickle of blood coming from my nose.


I growled and hauled myself up to my feet. A cursory glance to the side told me my torturers were lying on the ground, unconscious. The man and Quirren had not yet noticed.

I gritted my teeth and stomped over to the man. His back was to me, all attention on Quirren as he taunted her. He pulled back a foot to kick her, and in almost a dreamlike state, I grabbed it and yanked. He fell onto his face and rolled over to stare at me in shock.

My face twitched impassively as he lifted a hand and started to mutter a spell. My foot connected with his ribs and sent him sprawling a few feet away.

Quirren was still sobbing. Everything still seemed slow as I reached down and picked her up. No sound reached my ears, not her sobs, not my ragged breaths, not the mutters of the man.

I cradled Quirren, watching as her white eyes flickered rapidly. She shook as she stared at me, face drawn in terror.

The man moved again, and I was instantly at his side, blow after blow landing on his body until he lay several blocks away, unmoving.

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