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Thanks for the pen Fallout.

*eats cookie*

The dark side welcomes all who eat their cookies.


Seto's POV

After the man disappeared with Quirren, the pain increased rapidly.

I whimpered from the pain.

"Seto, what's going on?" Ryan asked, bending down next to me.

I groaned in response.

"What's he doing to you?"

The pain in my head started to become excruciating, making me scream and close my eyes tightly.

"Seto!" Ryan exclaimed.

"G-go get... Quirren... I'll be... fine." I stutter through gritted teeth.

Ryan opened his mouth to protest, but closed it and nodded.

"I'll be back." He said, before running down the hallway.

I curled up into a ball on the floor, in a desperate attempt to stop the pain, and screamed again.

"Make it stop! Please anyone make it stop!"

Someone grabbed my shoulder and started shaking me, but I didn't react to them.

I could barely make out someone's voice calling my name through my agonized screams.

The person who had grabbed my shoulder picked me up and slung me over their shoulder.

I opened my eyes and saw two blurs, most likely people.

The brown blur and the blue blur were standing next to me as I was being carried away.

I looked down and saw a black and red blur under me.

"He's awake." someone said.

I blinked hard and my fuzzy vision cleared.

"Make it stop." I mumbled.

"Mitch, we should put Seto down till he feels better, then go get Ryan." A muffled voice said.

"I don't want to leave him alone while he's in pain and unable to defend himself." the person carrying me said, stopping to talk to the others.

I looked at the two other people and relaxed slightly.

"Jerome. When did Jason get here?"

"Hey Seto." Jason waved.

"Mitch put him down against the wall, me and Jason can go look for where Ryan went." Jerome said.

The person under me nodded and set me against the nearest wall.

When the man pulled away, I gasped.

"Mitch, how are you awake?"

Mitch shrugged. "Don't know. All I remember is being knocked out by something and then waking up in the middle of the town, Jerome's face over mine."

I balled my hands into fists and gritted my teeth as the relentless pain continued to increase.

"Seto, what's wrong?" Jason asked.

I shook my head. "Go find Ryan and help him get Quirren back. I'll be fine."

"One of us should stay with-" Mitch started, but I cut him off.

"Just go. I'll be fine."

Mitch shot a questioning look towards Jerome and Jason, before sighing in defeat and nodding.

"Fine. Let's go."

"You sure you're alright Seto?" Jerome asked.

I nodded. "He went down that hallway."

I pointed down the hallway the best I could with the pain in my head.

Jerome sniffed the air and growled quietly.

"Herobrine's down there also. Ryan might be in trouble."

"Go, I'll be okay."

The three minectraftians nodded and ran down the hallway, leaving me to writhe in pain.

'Please let Quirren be okay'


There ya go!

Another short chapter from Bloxie!

Yeah... they'll get longer soon. I promise.

Anyways, here's the pen Fallout.

And a cookie :3

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