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Today's forecast: Overcast with 100% chance of death, destruction, and despair.

Guess what day it is?



I am so bad at decisions...


Connor's POV

Quirren curled up next to me and rested her head on my shoulder tiredly.

"So we have a plan. Not a good one, but a plan nonetheless." Ian stated.

I looked over at the small huddle and watched them nod.

"So we rest tonight, then leave first thing tomorrow morning?" Quentin suggested.

"Sounds good. Connor, you and Quirren good with that?" Mitch asked, looking at us.

I nodded. "As long as we get to help in someway."

Mitch opened his mouth to protest, but Devin placed a hand on his shoulder.

"Sure kiddo. You two can help."

I smiled and stood, helping Quirren up.

She ran over to her daddy who wrapped her in his arms and brought her over to their bed.

Mitch walked over to me and wrapped an arm around my shoulder.

"Time for bed." he mumbled, everyone else walking to their beds too.

I nodded slowly and yawned, following Mitch to our bed in the corner of the base. (I think Mitch has a thing with corners)

Mitch laid down next to the wall and moved so his back was against it before allowing me to lay down.

I placed my head on the pillow and closed my eyes.

"Goodnight Mitch." I muttered.

Mitch ruffled my hair and chuckled. "Night."

The small cave filled with mutters of goodnights before falling silent again, the lights going out and quiet snores echoing throughout the base.

I pulled the duvet over my shoulder and snuggled close to the pillow, falling into a dreamless sleep.


"Connor wake up, we need to go." someone whispered, shaking me lightly.

I groaned and turned my back to them.

The person sighed and punched my arm.

I moaned and sat up. "I'm up, I'm up."

Mitch stood next to me, smirking. "C'mon little bro, we gotta go." he said, ruffling my hair before slinging a bow and a quiver of arrows over his shoulder.

I looked around the base and noticed everyone else was gone.

"Where'd everyone go?"

"They're waiting on the surface for us. Let's go."

I nodded and got off the bed, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

When we were all ready to go, we started the trek back to the village.

After a couple of hours of walking in silence, Ty spoke up.

"So there are going to be a lot of slow ones near the village right?"

Devin nodded. "They'll be guarding the walls and surrounding forest so we'll have to fight our way through."

I clinched Mitch's pant leg tightly in my fist and looked around us.

Mitch laughed. "Dint worry Connor, we won't run into them for a while."

"Hey Seto, how are you holding up?" Jerome asked.

Everyone turned to Seto, who smiled and nodded.

"I think sleeping really helped. I feel like I can run a marathon."

"Let's hope that lasts. You're going to need all the energy you can get when we get there." Jason pointed out.

"How long till we get there anyways?" Ian asked.

"I smell slow ones, so we must be close." Jerome said.

As if on cue, the first moan was heard.

We all froze at the sound, but continued anyways.

Whatever was to come, would decide who lived and who died.


The decision has been made.

We have chosen two lucky contestants from each district to participate in The Plague Games.

*reaches hand into large fish bowl*

And this year's tributes are...

Lilac and Aisha from @Life_is_G00d and @AJC_343!

You two have been volunteered as tributes to participate in The Plague Games!

May the odds be NEVER in your favor.

(This decision was really hard to make since a lot of the OCs went well with the story. Sorry if we didn't choose yours and congrats to the winners! me and fallout decided it'd be fair if both of us chose one OC since we are both terrible at deciding things together so... that's why there's two.)

Anyways, thanks for reading!

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