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This is getting interesting!

Time for Bloxie to post another chapter!

Hopefully it won't be short like it normally is.


Ryan's POV

I nodded slowly before reluctantly following Ty and the others away from the scene.

Poor Adam...

"Hey Ryan! c'mon pick up the pace! if they catch up to us we're screwed!" Jason called from the front of the group.

"I'm coming! Are they still torturing Adam back there?"

Jason spun around in the air and looked back.

"Yeah, I think they have Quirren helping too."

I cursed under my breath and quickened my pace till I was running along side Mitch.

"I wanna rip that man's eyes out. He deserves to suffer." Mitch growled.

"I'm sure you do Mitch, we all do."

"I call first dibs." He muttered, running a little faster.

"Mitch maybe we should slow down, give Ian a break." Jerome suggested, gesturing to a pained Ian on his back.

Mitch sighed and stopped.

"Sure, let's make a base in the forest just incase they decided to follow us."

After a while, we all had gathered in a small circle staring off into space.

Well, everyone but Ian, who was asleep after getting a makeshift sling for his arm.

"What are we going to do now?" Jason asked, breaking the silence.

I looked around at the others who are all breaking from their own little world.

All except for Mitch, who continued to stare angrily at the ground with clenched fists.

"We could continue to walk until we find another village." Quentin suggested.

"That's what got us into this mess in the first place." Mitch snapped suddenly, making a few of us jump.

"Calm down Biggums. I say we get a few more supplies then try to force the man to give Quirren and Adam back to us." Jerome spoke up.

"Good idea Jerome. Let's all go jump off a cliff while we're at it. That man wants us dead and a couple of swords to the face won't stop him. Let me know when you guys come up with a good idea-" Mitch said sarcastically, standing up and starting to walk away. "-I'm going for a walk."

Mitch stormed off and Jerome started getting up to follow him, but I grabbed his arm and stopped him.

He looked down at me, but I shook my head.

"Give him time. He just needs to blow off some steam."

Jerome nodded reluctantly and sat back down.

"Any other ideas?"


Mitch's POV

I stormed through the forest, not knowing where I was going, nor caring.

I just had to get away.

Quirren is suffering and it's all my fault.

It's all my fault...

I couldn't save her.

If I had just listened to her when she told us to stay away from the village.

I failed her.

My thoughts came to an abrupt stop as something tripped me and I face planted in the dirt.

I groaned and rolled on to my back.

What tripped me?

Sitting up, I looked around the forest floor and gasped at what had tripped me.



Goodness how many cliffhangers can I make?

Two in a row?

Wow, I'm sorry.


Here's the pen back Fallout.

*slides you pen and a cookie*


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