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Ch. 19 is coming soon I promise.

Check out fallouts boom to get it before plz!

Yay! Another update!


Seto's POV

"What are you talking about? Who's Mitch?" Mitch asked, clearly confused.

"Biggums." Jerome whimpers.

Mitch turned wide eyed to Jerome.

"What the nether are you?!"

"I'm not a what, I'm a who. Biggums it's me, Jerome! Don't you remember?"

Mitch shook his head.

"Jerome he's not going to remember anyone. He's pretty much non existent." I said.

"So your giving up on him?" Jerome growled, standing up.

"No. I would never give up on a friend. I'm saying, we need to save Quirren before we can help him."

Jerome relaxed a little and looked down at his friend.

"Need help up?"

Mitch shook his head again and stood up, brushing off the dust as he does.

"No thank you. I'm going to go now. Thank you all for this... Whatever you call it. Goodbye."

He sprinted past me before I had the chance to stop him and disappeared into a crowd of people.

"Mitch!" Jerome screamed, running after him.

"Jerome stop!" Ryan called after him.

I sighed. "Let him go get Mitch. We can find Quirren and meet him back here later."

Ryan glanced back at the crowd one more time before nodding and looking towards the castle.

"My best bet, is they went in there."

I nodded. "Let's go."


Ian's POV

The nurse leads me down the long hallways and into a separate ward, then finally into a room made completely of iron.

"Right in here sir." She said.

I thanked her and walked into the room, Ty and Quentin sit waiting for me.

"What the hell Ian! You agreed to this nonsense?!" Ty snapped as the door shut behind me.

"Uh, yeah. Did you hear about Adam?"

"No because the stupid doctors won't let us see him." Ty growled.

"He was suffering a seizure, he flatlined twice, he has a high fever and his brain activity is through the roof! Do you think I want one of us to be in the same situation? I'm doing this to protect the last of Team Crafted!" I yelled, getting all up in Ty's face.

"Ian... I- I didn't know... I"

"Of course you didn't know Ty! Nobody knows what the hell is going on anymore!"

"Ian calm down." Quentin said.

"No Quentin, I will not calm down! Our friends are stuck in their own minds and god knows when they'll wake up again! This is only happening to us. To a group of people who make videos on the internet for kids to enjoy! I'll calm down when someone tells me what the f*ck is going on!"

Quentin looked at me, both shocked and hurt at the same time.

I sighed and ran a hand through my hair.

"Look, I'm sorry I snapped at the two of you, but I can't stand to watch another member of our team fall."

Ty sent me a sympathetic look. "It's okay Ian. We're all a little stressed anyways. Let's just try to calm down and wait for the doctors to start running tests on us okay?"

I nodded and sat down at the small table in the middle of the room.

"I feel like this is an interrogation room. Not a quarantine one." I mumbled.

Quentin nodded in agreement. "I couldn't agree more."

The door barges open and the nurse comes rushing in.

"What's going on?" Ty asked.

"It's your friend, Mr. Dahlburg, he's awake."


Woo! Adam's awake!

Sorry to fallout if I ruined your plans (if you had any that is)

Here's the pen back.

*looks around for @TheDiscoDino before handing the pen back to Fallout*

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