
596 19 17

Are we learning foreign languages?

Gracias a mi amiga por la pluma!

(Thanks my friend for the pen)

Let's get started shall we?


Seto's POV

I stared at him in shock.

Him and Mitch were both in the hospital when they passed out.

"That's the same thing that happened to me..." Mitch said in awe.

"What?" Jerome asked.

"Mitch woke up, screaming about a hospital room..." Ryan explained trailing off at the end.

Mitch and Jerome both shot confused looks at me.

"Don't look at me. I may be a sorcerer, but I'm no philosopher."

"What does that mean though? We were both sent into the real world after being injured and we were in a hospital... are we..." Mitch trailed off.

Jerome sat up and spoke. "In a coma?"

My eyes widened in realization. "Notch!"

Mitch glared at me. "What is it Seto?"

"This all makes sense now. I mean, how else would you explain the dreams all of a sudden coming true?"

"You had dreams too?" Ryan asked.

"Everyone on the team did."

"Guys I think we should get the armor and food and get out of here. Quirren doesn't look too happy to still be here." Mitch pointed out.

I looked down at Quirren and find her face buried in my robe.

"Sorry Quirren. Ready to go?"

She nodded quickly and looked up at me with pleading eyes.

"Jerome are you okay to get going?"

He nodded and stood up. "I was born ready, Seto."

"Let's go."

We walked back to the fountain and grabbed all of our supplies.

"Let's get out of here. The slow ones might have gained some ground on us since we stopped." I said, putting and iron chest plate on.

"Wait, I just realized, where's Adam?" Jerome asked.

Mitch's eyes widened. "That man must've taken him when I passed out."

"We need to go save him then." Ryan said, looking towards the castle.

"No! Bad!" Quirren exclaimed, pushing herself as close to me as she could.

"Shh. Don't worry Quirren. It'll be okay." I cooed softly in her ear.

"We should listen to her warning this time. Last time she warned us Mitch and I almost died and Adam went missing." Jerome suggested.

I nodded in agreement.

"How are we going to get Adam back though?" Ryan asked.

"We can't go near the castle so..." Mitch trailed off.

"I guess we have to wait here then." I said.

Quirren squirms in my arms, mumbling 'no' repeatedly.

"Guys let's just start walking away from this town. Quirren is getting uncomfortable and I have a feeling if we stay longer something bad will happen."

"Hey Quirren. Is there any light person in the castle?" Jerome asked.

Quirren looked up from her 'hiding spot' and at the castle.

She shook her head. "No, just dark."

"A dark person?" Jerome asked.

Quirren nodded.

"That means there's a dark sorcerer in there. We're in trouble if we stay here any longer."

Everyone but Quirren stared at me.

"What?" Ryan asked, breaking from his confused trance first.

"That man we saw. He's a dark sorcerer. Quirren is a light one. Light and dark don't mix so as soon as that man finds out she's here..."

"Which has already happened." the man said, appearing out of nowhere in front of us.


Jason's POV

"Guys! Guys come quick! Jerome woke up!" Quentin called from the hallway.

I shot a look at Ty and ran to Jerome's room.

Quentin sat next to Jerome's bed, shaking him violently.

"Quentin! Stop shaking him." Ty said as he ran to stop Quentin.

"His eyes were just open and he was crying! see the tear streaks on his cheeks? he was screaming don't touch me over and over again before his eyes snapped closed." Quentin explained quickly, releasing Jerome's arm.

"What?" I asked.

"Yeah. He just woke up and when I went over to his bed he started to scream at me."

Ty looked at me with worry.

"Quentin. Mitch woke up earlier and as soon as we walked into the room, he fell asleep again. Something big must be going on and it's affecting us all." I said.

"Can we talk about this after we eat? I'm finding it hard to process this info." Quentin said, rubbing his stomach.

Me and Ty laughed. "Sure, let's get Ian and go to the cafeteria."

Quentin smiled and followed us into Ryan's room.

"Hey Ian, we're going to get food. Want to come?" Ty asked.

Ian pulled his earbuds out and stood up.

"Yeah, let's go."


Enjoy the really long chapter :)

Here's the pen back Fallout.

Don't let @TheDiscoDino take it... she's been trying to steal it from me while I write this XD

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