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Poor Setoooooo

what a shame.

What. A. Shame.


high-fives for teamwork though


Ian's POV

"-town completely surrounds the castle, and the town is completely surrounded by the forest. Just to get to the town we'd have to fight our way through some heavy slow ones, and then we'd have to deal with all the people in the town," Devin explained. He had drawn a rough sketch of the area on the dirt floor, and we were all crouching around it. He quickly added the thick walls around the town with a few strokes of his hand.

"We only know of the gate at the front," Ryan commented, "Are there any others?"

Devin frowned and looked back down at the map. A moment later he drew a line that was clearly the gate.

"This one?"

I nodded. "Yep."

He traced around the wall slightly, not making any changes but just running his hand along it. "No other gates, if I remember correctly. Then again, I didn't exactly get a tour of the town," He mused.

Mitch rubbed a hand over his head tiredly. "Okay, so the gate is the only direct entrance in. And it's guarded to max potential by an army of possessed people. That's good."

Devin frowned but didn't say anything, instead concentrating on what he was doing. A picturesque map was blossoming from under his fingers, roads twisting and turning just the way I remembered them. He drew the main square, complete with fountain in middle, and the alleyways leading off from it and from the main road. I whistled.

"For being possessed, you have an impressive memory."

He didn't look up, instead adding a few buildings along the edge of the road. "I did patrols quite a bit, I think. Making sure nobody broke out of the spell and went rogue."

He said it mildly, but I could tell there were darker tones to it. Ty patted him on the back.

"You didn't have a choice, man. You were possessed too."

"Did the castle actually press against the far wall?" He asked quickly, forcing the subject to change.

Jerome, the only one who had actually gotten to explore all the streets while fighting and running from the crowd of possessed, shook his head. "Nope. There's a real narrow alley back there. It's mostly covered by an over hang, so it's like, pitch black in there."

He added the alley and then sat back to look at his completed map.

"So, front gate is probably out. We can't fight our way through, and there are too many people to sneak in." I confirmed.

Ryan pointed along the sides of the walls. "Probably can't get over these, either. Even if we somehow got up them, we would be noticed as soon as we were at the top. Not to mention I have no clue how we would actually drop in from that height."

"I might be able to fly us down," Jason suggested.

Mitch shook his head. "We'd still be noticed to quickly. They'd be on us before we even touched the ground."

Quentin sighed. "And that leaves the back wall, which is the tallest one, meaning that we can't climb it and would be spotted immediately."

Seto, who had been leaning against the wall with his eyes closed, poked one of them open and winced from the harsh light.

"So, no front gate, no side walls, and no back wall?" He checked. We nodded in sullen agreement.

"Hmmm," He muttered. "No direct approach, you're saying." He kneeled down next to us, looking at the map.

Ryan snorted. "No approach at all, Seto."

Seto rolled his eyes but continued to pour of the map. It got quiet, as we were all watching Seto's eyes flicker rapidly in the torchlight as he analyzed every possible detail of the map. After a moment, he tapped right behind the castle.

"There," he announced. "That's our entry point."

"It can't be. It's the highest wall. Even if we did get up it, we would be spotted and if somehow we weren't, we would drop from incredibly high into a pitch black alleyway."

Devin's eyes had lit up. "No, we wouldn't." He looked to Seto. "Right?"

Seto nodded in confirmation. "Right. The castle is the highest thing in the town, easily. If we climb the wall directly behind the castle, we won't be in sight. Once we get up there, Jerome said there was an overhang off the castle blocking all light from the alleyway." He tapped the map. "My best guess? It's actually a terrace or a ledge. We drop onto that, break through a window, and boom. Inside the castle, without detection."

Devin nodded. "That could work, but there are risks. Almost too many for me to like. That back wall is crumbling. Add slow ones, which we will have to fight through. We get there, we will most likely be exhausted and running for our lives. If one of us falls, we're dead. Then there's also the chance that the wall is still to high to drop onto the overhang, the window might be locked, there might not be a window, there may be a guard, notch, he may even just be right there. You're dying,sorry, Ian's injured, Mitch is injured, we have two kids that I frankly will not risk, there could be patrols, security, nether. I think we should just call no on this plan. Too many risks."

"Well, it's the best plan we have." Seto said quietly.



now, to bloxie for the weather

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