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Considering I kinda messed up and gave you the idea for that cliffhanger, I think it was fantastic!

Soooooo here I goooo


*hobbit noises*


Seto's POV

I blank out on Devin. "Wait, what? Dude, slow down. How did you even know we weren't from Minecraftia, for starters? And what are you talking about 'me being the most powerful sorcerer' and all that?" I used finger quotes in the air as I spoke. "I'm not even that good of a sorcerer. I can't rebuild my energy for crap right now."

Devin stared at me as he rubbed a hand over his chin. "Well, it was pretty obvious you guys weren't from minecraftia. Home is a long way away? Not in minecraftia. There is pretty much no such thing as distance here. We could literally walk forever. Also, I hate to be rude, but your minecraftian is rusty. I don't know where you guys are from, but it sure as nether isn't here."

Mitch shrugs and nods. "Okay, busted, we aren't from here. We plan on figuring that out when we get to it. Now, what's all this about Seto?" He asked.

"Yeah, what's all this about Seto?" I challenged.

He gestured slightly at me and leaned against the wall. "Well, you said he was being called Healer."

"Yeah, so?" I asked. "He's been calling me that pretty much since day one. I never really cared why, to be honest."

He lout out a short, barking laugh and stared vacantly at the dirt ceiling. "Didn't think much of it? Didn't think much of that?" He shook his head. "Another sign you aren't from Minecraftia, my friend."

Ryan rolled his eyes. "Yeah, we got that. Now, explain." He ordered. Devin straightened on the wall and snapped on a mask of seriousness.

"You guys know about the light and dark sorcerers. Quirren and I are light, he's dark, so forth. A Healer doesn't fall in either category." He explained.

"Okay, so I'm not a light or dark sorcerer. How is this such a huge duel? Am I supposed to be neutral territory?"

To my surprise, he nodded.

"What? N-no, that's now what I meant-" I spluttered. He held up a hand to silence me.

"Way back when, in the days of Notch, was when the rivalry between Dark and light began waging. They got whole villages, different mobs on their sides, as the stories go. You know, zombies, skellies, all the baddies? Those are dark. Cows, sheep, the light. Anyway, they would get whole villages, armies of people to fight with them."

"Makes sense," Ian commented. "You'd want to have a big army on your side to wipe out an entire species. Where does a healer fit in?"

"Well, they don't. Healers are neither light nor dark, powers ranging wide on both sides. They were neutral territory in the war. Basically gods, they would stay out of the way unless they were summoned. If you could convince a healer to be on your side, the other side ran. Fast.A lot of times though, they didn't pick a side. They would go between the two, healing the wounded. Hence the name healer."

Silence fell after he finished, until Jason whistled.

"Ghasts, that's intense. Are you telling me we have an all powerful god serving on our side?"

I held up my hands in defense. "Hey, hey, whoa. I am definitely not a god."

Devin shrugged. "Maybe not, but you have powers to match one. Well, a minor one. You definitely could not wipe out everything with a flick of your wrist."

Ty snickered. "So, what, he's like a slightly more blocky form of Zeus or Hermes?"

I sighed while Devin looked around in confusion.


I rolled my eyes. "Nothing. Alright, so I'm supposedly the great sorcerer and all that. Why don't I have any energy then, and how will this help against him?"

Devin shrugged and picked up Quirren, who had been holding onto his trouser leg. "That's the thing. You should have like, an unlimited power of energy. Completely unstoppable."

"Well, I don't. Now what?" I snipped.

He pulled his ear. "That's the thing. You should have non-stop energy. The fact that you don't indicates something isn't right. There's a possibility Quirren may have absorbed it, but she hasn't. That's how healers were made. A light absorbed a healer's energy and stole it from them. A dark couldn't just absorb it, they had to force it out. It would have taken ages. Days and days of brutal torture, forcing the healer to give up everything that makes him a healer..."

"Devin?" Quentin said quietly. He looked up.

"Shut up."

At some point while he talked, my knees had gotten weak and I had to lean against the wall as the room did dizzying spins. I could feel all the blood drain out of my face and knew I was shaking.

"Oh, Notch, he didn't?" Devin asked. I forced my head up and down in a nod.

"He stole your energy."


Somewhat cliffhanger?

Idk I'm not good at cliffhangers like Bloxie is

She comes up with them and I deal with the aftermath

We make a good team, I think.

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