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Tack för pennan, min kära bloxie.

That's supposed to say "Thanks for the pen, my dear bloxie." I enjoy swedish.

But ooooh that last chapter what do I do with it?


I think, because my bad mood reigns, I SHALL WRITE MORE ACTION AND WHUMP.


Ty's POV

(I really wanted to do a bit of real life. Apologies, bloxie normally does it)

"Okay, let's go." I muttered, admitting defeat. Turning, I left the now sleeping Mitch behind and walked down the hall, towards the ward where Ryan and Seto were supposed to be. As we passed Adam's room, I noticed that it was now empty. I motioned to it, slowing slightly.

"Where'd they take Adam? Do you think he woke up?" I asked.

Jason shrugged. "Doesn't make sense for why hey wouldn't let us see him."

I stared into the empty room for a moment longer. "Yeah, probably. Maybe they wanted to do some more tests or something."

We continued down the hall once more, easily locating Ryan's room at the end of the hall. I knocked lightly, and when no one answered, slowly opened the door.

Ryan looked exactly like Adam, Mitch, and Jerome had. Ian was sitting in the chair next to his bed, ear buds in. I tapped him slightly as I slumped against the wall next to me, and he jumped.

"Oh, gosh, hey Ty. What's up?" He asked, when he realized it was us.

Jason sighed and leaned against the opposite wall. "Mitch was awake for a second, now asleep again. Adam had an army of meds in his room, and he's gone now."

Ian gaped at him. "Mitch woke up? Did you get to talk? Did he know what's going on?"

I shook my head. "Nope. Dead to the world right as we stepped in there. I tried waking him up again, but he was gone."

He sighed and shook his head. "And Adam?"

Jason gave a resigned sigh and pulled out his phone. "Nothing. Don't know what happened, or where he is now." Frowning, he thumbed through something on the screen. Ian slumped backdown into the chair.

"Well, this is all sh*t, isn't it? We're down 5 members out of 9. And we don't even know what's happening." He muttered.

I nodded. "I think I'm going to go check on Seto, if there's nothing happening here." Ian waved his hand and slid his ear buds back in, closing his eyes and resting his head on his arm. Jason slid his phone in his pocket and joined me in walking back down the hallway. We nodded at Quentin as we passed Jerome's room, who was talking to one of the doctors.

There was a woman and a nurse outside Seto's door. The nurse moved as if to stop us from entering, but the woman jus waved her hand.

"Oh, let them in. They're some of Jimmy's friends that he's always talking about." She muttered. I flashed her a grateful smile as we passed.

Seto was twitching slightly in his sleep, muttering quiet nonsense. As we watched, he exhaled loudly and seemed to visibly relax, before he jerked and whimpered. Then he sighed, and all the life seemed to go out of him and he looked exactly like the other's did.

Jason shrugged. "Well, at least he's moving around. Maybe he'll wake up soon."

I nodded slightly. "Yeah, hopefully."


Seto's POV

The crowd stayed right where it was, glaring angrily at us. I got the feeling that they would stay there. Closing my eyes, I spoke quietly and felt the purple mist gently leaving me. It washed over the crowd, and they all swayed for a moment before they returned, glassy eyed, to their work.

Mitch whistled. "Dude, you gotta teach me to do that."

I sighed in relief at the spell working. "No can do, I'm afraid. Advanced sorcery. They were already mildly bewitched, anyway. I just used a spell normally used on hallucinations. Changes what scary thing you're seeing into something non-threatening. They currently see us as one of them."

Quirren buried her face in my shirt. "The Healer," she muttered sleepily. I grinned.

"I guess I kind of am the healer. Although, I do know quite a lot of other spells." I emphazised. Ryan cleared his throat.

"So, we should be able to walk around in there, then? Maybe get some food and weapons?" He asked, eyeing the busy town.

I nodded. "I just say that we should try to avoid whoever that man was. Anybody know where he went?"

To my surprise, it was Quirren that answered. "Mmm, he's in the castle, stay away, don't like.." she whispered. I nodded and shot a wary glance at the tall castle on the edge of town.

"Fair enough, should be easy enough to avoid. So, split up, find food, find weapons, find Jerome?"

Mitch, who had clearly been wating for the OK, took off at this. I watched as he easily slid in between the people, never touching someone. Ryan plodded into the town as well, grabbing bits of armor and weapons off racks as he passed them.

I set off in the opposite direction, stealing one or two pieces of food at a time to avoid attracting attention. While they may see us as one of them, they still probably wouldn't take to kindly to thieves. Quirren still tucked in my arms, I made my way into the square, where Ryan was sitting on the edge of a fountain. Several pieces of armor were scattered around him, and he was counting arrows.

I was just about to sit down when there was a strangled cry from behind us. We both immediately jumped up and raced into the alley that the sound had come from. We stopped dead at the scene unfolding before us.

Jerome was slumped against a wall, in obvious pain from his injuries. Blood had already stained his ripped suit, accenting the clumps of fur ripped out. More blood was matted in the fur on his head, and his eyes were almost swollen closed. His good arm was pressed against his leg, while the other lay crooked at his side. Every time he breathed in, his lungs made a rattling sound in his chest. Mitch was crouching next to him, speaking quietly. I knelt down next to him and made to place my hands on the worst of the injuries, but Mitch stopped me. He motioned to Jerome, then cleared his throat and said, "Go on, biggums. It's ok. Seto's here. He won't let you die."

Jerome shuddered and closed his eyes tightly. "White, so much white, it hurts to look at, and it smells, it smells like a hospital, it looks like a hospital, it is a hospital, oh, notch, it hurts, Mitch, Mitch help me, please, no. Quentin, it's Quentin. He looks different. He's all human, NO! Don't touch me!" He screamed and opened his eyes. I placed my hands on the worst wound and spoke quietly again, feeling Jerome's pain lessen as I healed him. After a moment he stopped shuddering and looked up.

"Thanks, Seto." He said throatily. I nodded.

"Jerome, what were you describing?" Ryan asked.

"It was a hospital, I'm in a hospital in the real world." He said quietly. "I'm in a hospital."


Whoop whoop not as much action as promised

More action next time


Have fun with that pen, bloxie. I do hope you enjoy your time with it.

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