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Ugh sick day for fallout

I literally spent all day either sleeping or on tumblr

But now I am awake and thinking so I could either do my homework or write a new chapter


(Apologies if any typing errors occur bc I am sick and sitting in an awkward position)


Jerome's POV

"I killed him."

I felt my eyes widen in shock as Jason took a step back.

"You- you didn't." He whispered.

A sob escaped Adam's mouth, and he nodded his head. "I think I did," He cried.

Ryan shook his head slowly in disbelief. "Why would you even do that?"

Adam gathered fistfuls of hair in his hands and tugged at them. "I don't know, I don't know!" He screamed. "I didn't mean to, he made me, it's not my fault!"

Ian pushed the rest of us back and knelt down in front with Ryan. "Adam, who made you do it? What happened?"

Adam shook his head. "I-I don't know, I never do," He sobbed. "I woke up and he was gone and I was covered in blood and I had wanted to kill him, Ian! He wanted to so I wanted to and he was right!" He screeched.

Ryan pulled Adam's hands away from his head before he could do any damage. "Adam, who was it making you do all this?"

A sudden thought occurred to me. "Ryan, he thought there was someone behind us."

He shot me a look. "Yeah, so?"

"So what if there is someone behind us?" I asked quietly. Ryan's eyes widened and he stared at the spot Adam had been watching.

"Adam, is he here?" Ryan asked.

We all waited, holding our breath, until Adam finally nodded his head once.

"Right, what's he doing, then?" Ian asked as he slowly stood up.

"Watching, just watching. It's creepy when he does that." He muttered. I picked up Mitch, who was still unconscious on the ground.

"We're gonna leave, then. Adam, you tell us if he follows us, ok?" I told him. He nodded hesitantly before clambering to his feet and walking after the group. Ty caught up to me at the front.

"Do you think there's someone there, invisible?" He asked.

I shrugged as Ian took my other side. "Whatever it is, he scares the crap out of Adam, and that's good enough for me. There's also a good chance it killed Seto," He paused, "Hey Adam, is he following us?"

"No, still watching!" Came the reply. I nodded and sighed with relief.

"Well, that's good, because I think Mitch is starting to come around." At that moment, Mitch groaned and shifted slightly on my shoulder. I set him down and gently tapped his cheek at the others gathered around us.

"C'mon, Mitch, biggums. Time to wake up, dude." He groaned again and feebly turned his head to one side, trying to get away from me. I grinned and tapped harder.

"I know you feel that, now wake up."

His eyes snapped open and he bolted upright, gasping for air. I caught him as he nearly fell over again.

"Whoah, whoah, biggums!" I cried. He was struggling against my arms, panting like mad.

"Quirren- I couldn't- Danger. Help- Parents-are- possessed- couldn't save-" He gasped, still straining wildly.

"Biggums, chill. You're safe now, okay? We're all safe."

His head popped up and he sucked in a deep breath. "Quirren?" He asked.

I set him down now that he had stopped struggling. "Ah, no. Quirren is still missing. Seto is too. We have Adam, though."

Mitch glanced up at Adam, who was watching him with panic-stricken eyes. He waved slightly. "Hey, dude. Long time no see."

Adam coughed. "Yeah." He got out.

"So, what happened to you?" Ryan asked. Mitch shrugged.

"I think I was captured." He took a deep breath. "I was in this room, tied up, and Quirren and that man were there. He was trying to possess her, but she was fighting back, and he called for these two people to help him." He broke off as a tear slid down his cheek. "Notch, they were her parents, she thought they were going to free her, but they helped him, and she was screaming.."

I patted him on the shoulder. "It's alright, dood. We'll figure it all out." I glanced up at the group. "Right?"

There were murmurs of agreement from everybody except Adam. He was still staring at Mitch, but all the blood had drained out of his face. "What man?" He whispered.

Mitch glanced up at him and frowned. "It was the guy we were fighting when you went missing-" He cut off as Adam took a step back and started hyperventilating again.

"Adam?" Jason asked, making as if to take a step toward him.

Adam took another few steps backward, panting. He was staring wildly at all of us, but finally his eyes landed on Ryan. He started coughing and choking as a smile lit up his face.

"He's not watching..." He whispered, before slumping over. We all stood there in shock for a moment, trying to comprehend what happened, when Adam suddenly straightened up and smiled at us.

"Oh, Team Crafted." He whispered. "He brought me right to you." He laughed. "And he honestly thinks we aren't the same person?"

"Adam?" Ty whimpered.

"Adam, Adam, Adam. I can't even feel him. I don't know what you said, but it scared the hell out of him. I should thank you, though, before I begin. After all, it is thanks to you that I am free." He whispered, cocking his head.

Ryan took a bold step forward. "I don't know who you are, but get out of him."

Adam's smile turned from an evil, twisted one to one that was almost scarily cheerful. "I am him! I'm your precious Adam, all wrapped up into one. Didn't you figure it out, when he was telling you what happened to Seto?" He started mimicking Adam's sobs. "I killed him, but he made me!"

"Don't you see? I am Adam. We killed Seto."

Jason shook his head. "You are not Adam."

Adam laughed. "Oh, aren't I?"


Yaaaay sick Fallout- bringing you longer chapters

jeez that took a while to write

oh, well

here ya go, bloxie.

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