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Hmmm how to top that?

Create my own cliffhanger, that's how.

Oh and by the way, I'm Bloxie's alter ego, Evil Bloxie.

How do you do?

Terrible? Good!


Jerome's POV

Quirren and I walked slowly through the dark hallway.

We jumped at every creek the floor made, but continued to push forward.

I held Quirren close to my chest as she grasped my fur, her blue eyes wide with fear.

"Feel anything Light?"

She shook her head. "No. Still warm."

I nodded and eyed the darkness around us closely, looking for any signs of movement.

My nose twitched at the smell of blood and rotting flesh and I recoiled, disgusted.

"What is it fluffy?" Quirren asked quietly.

"I smell blood." I whispered, walking forward even slower.

I slid Quirren up on to my shoulders and got down on all fours, preparing for anything as I followed the scent, curious.

My fur stood up on end as the smell got stronger and Quirren gripped my shoulders tightly.

"Smells bad." She muttered, scrunching her nose.

I nodded slowly. "Yeah. No kidding."

Continuing onward, it became hard to not want to gag, the smell becoming almost unbearable.

When I was sure my stomach was about to end up on the floor, a small light showed around a corner.

I slid Quirren off my shoulders and places we against the wall. "Wait here Quirren. If I scream, run and get some help okay?"

She nodded quickly and I slowly crept around the corner.

Nothing but another hallway.

I crept down the hallway and around another corner then saw the source of the light.

A dungeon, cells lining the walls.

I, slowly, padded through the bright room.

Looking up at the cells, I noticed where some of the smell was coming from.

People, young and old, sat on the floor of their cells, some with rib cages sticking out in odd angles from their chests, others with blood covered shirts and floors.

One of the older prisoners locked eyes with me and my heart nearly stopped.

The man had white eyes, just like the possessed, but they seemed lost, dazed, confused, and worst of all, broken.

Whatever this person had gone through must've killed him inside.

Why are they imprisoned anyways? What did they do?

Shaking my head, I continued to sneak down the long hallway of cells, keeping my eyes on the wall ahead of me.

There was a doorway at the end, a bright light pouring from inside.

Slowly, I managed to get by the doorway and peer into the room.

The sight made me gag loudly and I pressed myself as close to the wall as I could.

There was blood all over the ground, a girl standing over a man inside.

The girl had a galaxy design to her hair and eyes, a black shirt was ripped all across the back, and to top the outfit off, she had a crimson beanie, skinny jeans and combat boots.

Two curly horns twirled out of the top of her head and two dotted wings, matching her horns, lay folded in on her back, a dragon's tail swishing around slowly behind her on the ground.

She also wore a small amulet pennant around her neck that shined brightly in the lighting.

The man was dressed in grey and black clothing, a gold and purple amulet hung down over his lap as he sat slumped over against a wall.

I knew the man all too well as my best friend Adam, but the girl, was new to me.

She turned to the doorway and slowly approached, a sword materializing in her claw-like fingers.

I cursed quietly in my head and pushed myself closer to the wall, if that was at all possible, and held my breath.

When nothing happened, I cautiously peered into the room, relaxing as there was no one there.

"Who are you?" A voice growled, pulling my attention forward again.

The girl stood there, pointing her diamond sword at my throat.

I swallowed hard.





Now... I guess I toss the pen back to fallout?

But I really don't want to... I kinda just want to... Kill everyone with it.


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