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*eats cookie* want one Fallout?

That was intense...

Let's get my insanity level up now shall we?


Seto's POV

I pulled Quirren closer to me and stood up.

Her head rested against my chest as her eyes hung half closed.

"Hello Healer. Mortal." The man greeted, his white eyes shining brightly in the eerie lighting.

"Tired... Cold." Quirren muttered, gripping my robe and pulling herself closer to me.

"What'd do to her?" Ryan growled.

"I didn't do anything. It's the fact that she's a light sorcerer that makes her like that. Dark weakens light." The man sneered.

I mutter a spell under my breath and Quirren relaxes.

"Your ruining my fun Healer." The man growled.

"Your fun? Are you insane?!" Ryan exclaimed.

The man laughed. "That is an understatement."

He disappears in a black poof of smoke and reappears a block away from my face.

"I'm mad!" He yelled, grabbing Quirren from my arms and disappearing again.

I cursed in anger and ran down one of the hallways.

I'm not about to let the man take Quirren without a fight.


Jerome's POV

"Biggums wait!" I yelled, running after my best friend through the crowd.

I brushes past random people as they go about their daily jobs, but loose Mitch in the crowd.

"Mitch!" I called, looking around frantically.

A hard object made contact with the back of my head, sending me into unconsciousness.


Seto's POV

I ran down the long hallway, adrenaline pumping through my veins, in a heated pursuit of Quirren's captor.

I will save you Quirren, just hold tight I thought, as if she could read my thoughts.


Quirren's POV (So many POV changes)

The man whispered words in a different language in my ear, making my eye lids heavier and my limbs weaker.

I shivered as his cold aurora covered me.

"This feeling will pass soon, just relax." The man said, teleporting into a room.

"No. Never." I said, my voice just above a whisper.

"You will soon. Your parents did."

"My parents?"

The man nodded. "Your parents made great servants. They even helped me kill Minecraftia!"

"No. Mommy and Daddy would never do that." I muttered, too tired to speak in a higher tone.

"Look around you little light. Those slow ones? Your dad's idea. The sick yellow glow of the sun? Your mother's doing. All of this around you is all your parents and my work!"

"Liar!" I exclaimed, squirming at the best of my ability to break free from the man's grasp.

He tightened his grip on my already weak body, cursing loudly.

"I'm not lying little light. How else can you explain their glowing eyes?"

I froze, allowing him to make it to where I cannot escape.


"They chose to serve me Little Light. They wanted unlimited power at their fingertips. You could have the same."

"No! Bad!"

"C'mon Little Light. Your friends won't be able to protect you like I can. Join me."



Insanity level loading :/


Yeah... I'm not the best at going insane... I WILL GET BETTER MASTER HEROBRINE!

Anyways... Here's the pen back Fallout...

Welcome to the dark side, please enjoy our cookies :)

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