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Update #6 of the Saturday Update Spree!

Seto's POV

"Quirren!" I shouted, looking through all the doors in the hallway.

"Seto wait up!" Ryan panted after me.

"Ryan I can't slow down. Quirren's in danger and we need to save her!"

Ryan ran up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder, looking me dead in the eyes.

"Seto. We need to get Jerome and Mitch to help us! We can't go in there by ourselves with nothing but our fists and your magic. We need help!"

"Quirren needs us Ryan! You don't understand what will happen to her if we don't get to her soon. We. Need. To. Get. Her. Out. Of. Here."

Ryan sighed and dropped his hand.

"What's the worst that can happen Seto? He can't turn her evil, can he?"

"Everyone has their inner demons Ryan, and Herobrine has the power to bring them out."

Ryan's eyes widened.

"Let's find them quickly then."

I nodded and ran farther down the hallway.

When I reached the end of the hallway, I took a sharp turn to the left and ran into the first room I saw.

I froze at the scene in the room.

Quirren was slowly drifting off to sleep in the man's arms as he smirked down at her.

His hand started to glow a vibrant white and he moved it over her forehead.

"No!" I shouted running towards the man.

He looked at me and chuckled, placing the glowing hand on Quirren's forehead.

She gasped out of shock and stated to squirm, her eyes widened.

"Shh. It's almost over." The man cooed in her ear.

"Help!" Quirren yelled as the color drained from her eyes.

"Stop!" I yelled, throwing a ball of purple fire at the man.

He smirked and disappeared in a black poof of smoke.

I turned around and catch a glimpse of the man as he ran out the door.

Cursing under my breath, I sprinted after them.

"Seto!" Ryan called.

"He's hurting Quirren Ryan! We need to act fast!" I yelled over my shoulder.

The man stopped, turned around and glared at me with his soulless white eyes.

"Your too late Healer. She's mine."

"No!" I yelled running at the man.

The man raises his glowing hand towards me and his eyes flashed a bright white.

An unbearable pain erupted through my head, causing me to fall to the ground.

"Seto!" Ryan yelled, finally catching up to me.

I grunted in pain and grabbed my head.

The man scoffed down at me.

"Some healer you are! you can't even save a little girl from her dark side."

I writhed around on the floor as the pain in my head increased.

"What are you doing to him?" Ryan exclaimed.

"He'll be fine. I can't say the same about the little girl though." The man sneered before disappearing in a black poof of smoke.


Sorry for the really short chapter!

I'm still recovering from the surgery yesterday :/

Anyway, here's the pen Fallout and a cookie.


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