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Ayyyy kinda late update

Atleast where I live it is

But it's because I had a soccer match today (we crushed 'em 6-1)

And I might've hurt my leg so here we goooooo


Jason's POV

Just as we had flown over the wall, Adam manged to land a solid punch to my gut. The breath all left my body in a single gasp and he plummeted to the ground.

Cursing, I had to overpower my thrusters in order to land safely. I spun around in time to see Adam unsteadily pick himself up from the ground.

"Adam! What the nether was that?" I screamed at him.

His head shot up and his mouth slid open. He stared blankly at me for a moment before taking a wary step back.

Ryan slammed the gate and jogged over to us, grinning. Everyone else had collapsed onto the ground, panting from exertion.

"Well?" I yelled. "I was trying to save you, you freaking wither!" I yelled.

Ryan laid a hand on my shoulder. "Jason, lay off for a minute, would you?"

I snorted. "Why should I, Ryan? He attacked me, and I would like to know why."

Ryan had just opened his mouth to reply when a whisper, so faint it was barely even understandable, slid from Adam's lips.

"You're not dead?"

I slowly turned back to face him. "What?"

He was rocking slightly on his feet, head cocked slightly as he stared at me. "No, you're dead."

By this point, Adam had managed to draw the attention of everyone else, who quietly stood up behind us. He lifted a shaking hand and pointed to Ty.

"You, are dead." His finger slid to Ian. "You died a few times," finger to Quentin, " He drowned you, somehow-" His voice cut off in a strangled gasp for oxygen. His hand snapped back down to his side and he patted his leg nervously.

"Notch, not all of them, please, no, not like this, please, not all together like this, please, don't hurt the,. don't hurt them anymore, hurt me, hurt me, hurt me..." He muttered. His eyes were trained on a spot behind us with horrible, wide-eyed fear.

"Ian, is there someone behind us?" Ryan whispered. Ian, who had been turnt sideways and could see behind us without turning his head, said "No. He's staring at thin air, as far as I can see."

Adam's vision snapped back to us. "You can't see him?"

Jerome nodded. "No one there, bud."

Adam squinted suspiciously at the spot before shuffling his feet nervously, almost as if he wanted to come closer to us but was scared to.

"Seto couldn't see him either." He whispered. My head snapped back to him.

"You were with Seto? Where is he now? Adam, what happened to Seto? Did he find you? Is he hurt somewhere?" Ryan asked.

Adam's faced drained of any colour that was in it, and he stumbled back a few steps. "I-I.." He stuttered. His eyes flitted rapidly between us, landing on the blank space as well.

Ian took a step forward. "Adam, where is Seto now?"

His head dropped, but we could still hear him muttering.

"They don't know, they really don't know, they aren't after me, so what do they want? Why did they do it to me? Do they want to do it again?" His head suddenly shot up.

"Shut up!" He screamed at the spot. "Shut your blocky mouth, you rotted flesh! SHUT UP!"

He slumped to the ground, covering his ears with his hands. It took only one glance between us all to be at his side in an instant.

Ty knelt in front of him and tried to gently pull his hands away. He did slightly, but Adam had flinched violently when we touched him and was now shaking and rocking back and forth.

"Adam," Ty whispered gently. He put his hand under Adam's chin and forced him to look up. "Where's Seto?"

He shuddered violently, and a maniac smile flashed across his face for a second. He raked his hands down his cheek and moaned.

"I killed him."


Slightly insane, maybe?

I just felt like we needed a chapter where everyone else learns about Adam

Now, back to bloxie with the insanity.

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