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I totally didn't just push myself into a corner and made it extremely hard to continue.

I'll see what I can do though.


Mitch's POV

The room filled with murmurs of agreement and the team slowly went back to bed, all except for me and Connor.

"Thanks Mitch." he whispered.

I nodded slowly, still trying to take in my brother's sudden appearance.

"C'mon, you look tired. You can sleep with me if you want." I muttered.

He nodded and yawned as we walked over to my bed in the corner.

We laid down and Connor fell asleep instantly.

I stayed up for a little longer though, processing the new information.

Connor had been here longer than us.

How did we miss him?

What's he hiding?

How has he survived for so long?

What will happen when that man returns?

I shook my head, realizing sleep is more important than putting the pieces together, then fell asleep.


The morning sun blinded me as someone opened the door.

"Rise and shine boys and girl. I have breakfast ready and we need a game plan." Ian jokes from the doorway.

I groaned and turned my back to the door.

"Five more minutes Ian."

Someone giggled and the next thing I knew I was on the ground.

I groaned again and sat up. "Not funny Connor." I mumbled, opening my eyes.

He laughed and moved past me. "C'mon Mitch, let's go eat."

Rolling my eyes, I pushed myself up from the ground and walked outside.

The fresh air welcomed me with a cool breeze.

"If it weren't the middle of an apocalypse I'd say it looks beautiful out here." Ty muttered, brushing past me and grabbing an apple.

Jason snorted and grabbed an apple as well.

Soon the whole team, including Quirren and Connor, were out in front of the base, eating and chatting about random things.

I was sitting quietly, almost excluded from the group as they talked when Ian called for quiet.

"What's the new plan?" he asked. "We need to do something to get back home and I don't think sitting around here will get us back anytime soon."

There were murmurs and nods of agreement around the messy circle as Ryan spoke up.

"I'd say first thing we need to do is get Adam back."

I took another bite of my apple, finishing it, and looked around at the forest surrounding us.

Two small white orbs stood out in the darkness.

They made my blood run cold.

I grabbed Jerome's arm and nodded to the two white orbs.

"Biggums. We have company."


Another fabulous cliffhanger for Fallout!

Sorry I'm probably killing you.

Here's the pen back.

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