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*Glances around warily before snatching pen and tucking it into trench coat*

Look what you've done to us @TheDiscoDino we're so paranoid

But now the pen is safely in my possession.

The pen is safe.

Are the characters? >:)


Ian's POV

We immediately leaped up and raced down the hall after the nurse, all quarantine forgotten. The elevator ride to the ICU seemed to take forever, crawling by each floor. Ty was shifting from foot to foot, practically hopping, but I didn't blame him.

Adam was awake. He might know what had happened. The other's might wake up too. I couldn't stop it as a smile grew on my face. Quentin returned it, and Ty also grinned somewhat.

Once we finally, finally, got to the ICU, we forced ourselves to maintain some self control as we followed the nurse.

She stopped outside a private room, with her hand on the handle. We all halted, somewhat reluctantly.

"I should probably inform you of Mr. Dahlburg's condition before you see him."

Ty nearly choked. "Condition? Is he okay?"

She shook her head. "He's still very sick, and exhausted. He woke up extremely distressed. He was screaming and thrashing, and we were forced to restrain him. That's actually why we decided to get you... to see if you could calm him down. We didn't want to sedate him so soon after he woke up." She bit her lip.

I nodded firmly. "Okay, let's do this."

The nurse opened the door and we cautiously made our way inside.

Adam was layed out flat on the bed, panting heavily. Beads of sweat rolled down his forehead as he pulled against the restraints, straining to what clearly must have been the point of pain. Bruises were already beginning to form around his wrists.

I took a step forward. "Adam?"

His head snapped up immediately and his eyes widened in fear.

"Adam?" Ty asked quietly.

His gaze roamed slowly over us, taking us all in. For a moment, it looked like he was almost going to relax, but then he screamed and started thrashing against the restraints even harder. Quentin swore from behind me.

Ty and I raced to his bedside. I grabbed one of his hands while Ty gently placed a hand on his chest and pushed him back against the bed. Adam froze at the touch and watched us through fear-filled eyes as Ty pushed him down. He wasn't breathing normally, closer to hyperventilating. Ty rubbed his arm.

"Adam, calm down, okay? It's me, Ty. Ian and Quentin are here too. Your'e alright, got that? You're in a hospital, that's all. They need you to calm down so they can figure out what happened, okay? You were asleep and couldn't wake up. Then you got seriously sick while you were out. It's gonna be fine, now, okay? You're awake, and that's good. You with me?"

Adam watched him carefully, eyes trained on his face as he talked. As i watched Adam, I realized it wasn't just fear in his eyes. God, he was looking at Ty with distrust.

It was quiet after Ty finished, Adam's quick breaths the only sound in the room. Then he did the last thing we all expected.

He laughed.

His face split into a grin, and he laughed again. "I've gone freaking insane, haven't I? This is rich, just rich. It's been awhile since I've hallucinated about you guys." He chuckled.

I shook my head. "Adam, you're not hallucinating, got that? This is real. You're awake."

He just smiled even wider, grimly. "Any minute now. I can already feel you climbing through my head, you know that?" He was staring intently into the corner, as if someone was there.

Quentin frowned. "Adam, no."

Adam laughed again at that. "Back to calling me Adam, are you? Notch, what did I do? This is one hell of a hallucination, even for you." The whole time he spoke, his eyes were trained on the corner. "And look at that. They're human, too. This is gonna be a low blow when I wake up, you know that?"

I let go of his hand, and took a few steps back, trying to figure out what he was looking at. I had just taken a step in the actual direction of the corner when I heard Adam's breath hitch.

"Ian, stop! Don't, please, no! Not this, not again! Anything but this again, please! Don't hurt him, hurt me!" He screamed. Confused, I took a step back. I went back and forth between looking at the corner and Adam when the pieces suddenly clicked.

The way he stared at the corner, trembling. How he didn't want me to go near it. I groaned.

"Ian?" Quentin asked.

"F*cking hell." I swore, and banged my head against the wall. "Quentin, Ty, stay away from that corner. Adam's hallucinating. He thinks someone, who'll evidently hurt us, is standing in the corner."

Ty gasped, and Quentin swore. Adam just frowned. "Oh, that's just cruel. They can't even see you? C-mon, no- stop, STOP! DON'T TOUCH HIM! PLEASE! NOOO!"

He threw himself against the restraints, struggling madly. I raised an eyebrow as he stared at Ty, who was closest to the corner, and screamed. After a minute, he howled and started sobbing. Ty, who looked close to tears himself, looked desperately at me.

"What is going on? What happened? Adam?" Ty asked shakily.

To test my theory, I grabbed Ty's arm and pulled him away from the spot Adam was staring at. When he continued to stare at it, I sighed.

"I told you, he's hallucinating. He probably doesn't see us at all right now." I muttered, watching as Adam screamed and howled.

"What does he see, then? Ian, what the hell is doing this to him?" Ty yelled.

I sighed. "Judging from what he was saying, I think he see's someone torturing us." I whispered.

Adam gave a final sob before collapsing against the bed, unconscious.

"Oh, God. What happened to him?" Quentin asked quietly.


Whoah, dude.

I just added on to a cliffhanger.

The question remains.

What is happening to Adam?

(I am enjoying this waaaaay to much.)

Also, I think I'm driving Bloxie insane. She doesn't know whats happening to him any more than you do.


*Rolls pen back to Bloxie while chuckling madly*

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