Kusuo x Fairy Tail

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Kusuo Saiki, an esper with psychic powers needed a vacation. I mean needed, he was going to blow up everyone if they kept provoking him. So he thought to head to Mongolia in Foire a very popular place to visit though one thing stopped him. It was a manga, a fake reality that he would either watch or read at times when he got bored.

Though Saiki had another power he could use, he had a new power of going into different dimensions of his choosing. So for the long break since his school shut down for 2 months of a poison issue that was sent out by a butt chinned idiot knocking a toxic container over sending it all over school. Causing people to get sick and call poison control.

So Saiki had a large break. Saiki got ready was ready to leave with nothing but he'll manage. He closed his eyes as this power took a while to generate.

ten... Saiki thought, imagining the surroundings, cities, towns, small villages, neighboring forest and creeks, lakes, and oceans.

nine... the animals, all the exeeds and feral cats, wolves, bugs (Which he hated to even think of) and reptiles, dragons and mythical creatures and monsters.

eight... people, Sabertooth, and Fairy Tail guild members, townspeople and reporters, children and the elderly.

seven... characteristics, Gray as his usual rudeness towards Juvia and Natsu, Lucy's love of the guild, Natsu's recklessness and Erza's scariness.

six... objects, money, stores, houses, and shopping districts.

five... food, cake, jello, coffee, meat, fish, edible plants.

four... Himself, Saiki K. grabbing enough power to send him to Foire in one piece and visible.

three... He started to get tired from all his power being used up though he wanted, needed, this break from the crazed humanity.

two... His life, Saiki would work at Sorcerer Magazines with Jason as his partner, Saiki wants to see every bit of Fiore that he could get to. He would live in multiple hotels as him and Jason would move quite often from place to place but his main house would be in Crocus.

Then last Magic. The thing that ties it all together what makes Fairy Tail Fairy Tail.

one... Magic.


Saiki felt himself hitting the air as he fell, the wind on his feet, eyes still closed. Reaching the floor he landed on one knee and one hand. Sending a wave of vibration throughout the land. Saiki stood up to be in front of Sorcerer Weekly's main headquarters. Saiki opened the door and went to Jason's office. To see him yelling 'Super Cool!' making Saiki almost regret his decision.

Almost... he was inside smiling from ear to ear. As he walked in he grabbed his partner's attention. "Saiki! Your back! How was the trip!" he asked, Saiki only shrugged, "That's so... so... COOL" he yelled. "Oh, you must be looking for today's job. We're going to Magnolia." He cheered, as Saiki hiddenly smiled.

"Well let's go. We're going to be late. Can you use your super cool powers to take us where the train leaves in 15." Jason asks. Saiki looked at him angrily and grabbed his ear getting a few 'ow's from him. As he teleported on the train which was just leaving.

He let go of Jason as he started to feel sick. Saiki felt sick can had a vomit bag as he fell on his side. "Haha, same old Saiki." Jason laughed at the teen. "I'm... walking... or... teleporting... next time," he said sickly to end with vomiting. "Sure." he laughed as Saiki took some sleeping pills. Knocking him out. "Station bound for Magnolia." the microphone said. Saiki instantly woke up just as the doors opened, he ran out of the train pale and green, though it quickly cleared up.

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