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*Courtney's P

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*Courtney's P.O.V*
I was asleep forgetting about what had happened to Rosalie and I yesterday morning.
Until Francine wakes me up, I felt like my head was going to explode after all the crying I did last night.
Francine: "Come on Courtney, get up!"
Me: "Leave me alone!"
Francine: "So you are going to let that incident ruin your day today?"
Me: "Yeah, I can't get over it!"
Francine: "What did she say?"
Me: "Oh Rosalie did nothing wrong, it wasn't her fault. It was her fat mouth ex- boyfriend who had to ruin everything!"
Francine: "Andrew Johnston?"
Me: "That's the one!"
Francine: "He is an arse hole!"
Me: "I know he is, I can't wait until the day when she finally realises that he is just a prick!"
Francine: "Come on we can discuss this outside, it's a lovely day out there"
Me: "Yeah, sounds like a plan to me Fran, girl"
(Francine smiles)
I get a shower and I was singing my favourite song, doing this really cheered me up, although it's weird because people have a problem with others singing in the shower at the moment.
Eventually I went to get dried, get my stunning white Summer dress on and put in my favourite flower hairband and my sliver glitter sandals on my feet too, then I made my way to the garden to have a quiet chat with my elder sister, she knows what's best and she is the best inspiration for me, she's such a great role model for me, it's sad that she never had a role model in her life such as herself.
Francine: "Hey, do you feel better now Court?"
Me: "Just a little"
Francine: "Well speaking of a little, maybe we can talk about the problem and hopefully you'll feel better after talking to me, you know you can tell me anything, even if it has to be between you and I, I won't blow it for you, I promise"
Me: "Ok, this Andrew issue has been going on for a long time now, he even ruined my 16th birthday party four years back. She dumped him and they got back with one another, Andrew accused Rosalie of cheating on him for a guy called Joe, she was only talking to Joe, nothing sexual or anything like that and he humiliated me and made nasty comments about me, I did nothing to him and he abuses Rosalie physically"
Francine: "Fuck Off, really?"
​(Said it as though she couldn't believe it)
Me: "In the end she got shut of him for the 2nd time and he harasses her every opportunity he gets and he spreads rumours about us"
Francine: "You and Rosalie?"
Me: "Yeah, but even if it is true. I still think that Andrew is jealous of Joe because look at Joe compared to him, Joe is a stunner were as Andrew is a ugly fuck face"
Francine: "The best thing she did was get shut of that cunt, she shouldn't of had to put up with it"
Francine then saw me crying she knew how upset I was over Rosalie.
Rosalie  is so like my elder sister too, Rosalie and I are really close friends. Francine holds me closer to her as possible, she understands my pain and upset and we prayed to God for Rosalie to be safe.
The only way that girl is going to be safe is if she leaves Liverpool but why should she leave for some crazy muppet who won't accept that the end is the end?
Me: "I plan on being a model when I'm a little bit older"
Francine: "Keep dreaming sis, anything is possible, dreams do come true you know, it just depends on you now"
Me: "Your so right Francine, I love you"
Francine: "I love you too Court, we'll have Rosalie's back all the way, we just need to strongly support her, we all know she is innocent, she's strong, she will be ok, everything is going to be ok, I promise"
(I hugged Francine very tight and she loves me, she'll do anything to keep me and her satisfied)
Then I get the phone call off Rosalie, she told me that she got a new job, I was so relieved, I cried on the phone.
Rosalie told me not to cry but I couldn't help myself I was so made up for her.
Two days later Francine and I went to see her before her great American adventure, I gave her a present and it was heart earrings, she knows when she wears them, I'll be on her mind. Rosalie taught me a lot since being a freshman at school.
She taught me to be myself and she taught me how to have a back bone in order to defend myself and what to expect for the future.
Me: "I'm gonna miss you"
Rosalie: "I'll miss you too Courtney, I hate to say goodbye but I'm so glad that your happy for me and thank you for the earrings I love them so much"
Me: "I'm glad you do and thanks for all ways being there Rosalie Nicole"
Rosalie: "No Court, thank you"
(We hugged for the last time and she left)
Finally at least I know that Andrew won't be giving her a hiding for something she didn't do
I was just hoping for a bit of luck for myself now.
I'm the type of person to put others before myself and Rosalie was the same.
(She wished me luck before she left)
I only worked as being a Hollister model in London, I wanna be better than that just like my friend Rosalie Nicole Perry and I will be unstoppable and nothing will break me now, I'm gonna be stronger than ever and more determined. I believe in my dreams, like what Francine said it all depends on me, I try my hardest to think of what she meant by that,  trust me I know now.
Francine: "Are you sure you wanna make that as your dream?"
Me: "Am I? Yes of course. There is a world waiting for me out there and they wanna see me one day"

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