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*Courtney's P.O.V*
I couldn't make it to Georgia's tonight because the baby was not well, I heard about the engagement and I told her I'll come over when little Katie gets better, she never had any problems as along as I tell her what's up there are no big deals and I'm glad that she understands.
Any other friends I had would rip my head off and say ah she's a rat or something like that but I have a few friends like her so I'm happy as I am for now.
I'm just not happy that for the first time ever Katie was puking, she puked a few times when she was born and Francine got back to me.
Me: "Alex, Katie isn't well"
Alex: "It's ok, she's gonna be fine, I'll take care of her you go and talk to Francine"
Me: "Are you sure?"
Alex: "Yes, she'll be worrying about you, I remember you telling me about that day"
~ Flash back~ (Also on first chapter)
Back then came back to me and I was in the worst mood ever back in that day, Francine was my number 1 support, she's my role model I looked up too, at the end of the day I'm younger than her and I always took the step back.
Francine: "Come on Courtney, get up!"
Me: "Leave me alone!"
Francine: "So you are going to let that incident ruin your day today?"
Me: "Yeah, I can't get over it!"
Francine: "What did she say?"
Me: "Oh Rosalie did nothing wrong, it wasn't her fault. It was her fat mouth ex- boyfriend who had to ruin everything!"
Francine: "Andrew Johnston?"
Me: "That's the one!"
Francine: "He is an arse hole!"
Me: "I know he is, I can't wait until the day when she finally realises that he is just a prick!"
Francine: "Come on we can discuss this outside, it's a lovely day out there"
Me: "Yeah, sounds like a plan to me Fran, girl"
(Francine smiles)
(Then the second part)
Francine: "Hey, do you feel better now Court?"
Me: "Just a little"
Francine: "Well speaking of a little, maybe we can talk about the problem and hopefully you'll feel better after talking to me, you know you can tell me anything, even if it has to be between you and I, I won't blow it for you, I promise"
Me: "Ok, this Andrew issue has been going on for a long time now, he even ruined my 16th birthday party four years back. She dumped him and they got back with one another, Andrew accused Rosalie of cheating on him for a guy called Joe, she was only talking to Joe, nothing sexual or anything like that and he humiliated me and made nasty comments about me, I did nothing to him and he abuses Rosalie physically"
Francine: "Fuck Off, really?"
​(Said it as though she couldn't believe it)
Me: "In the end she got shut of him for the 2nd time and he harasses her every opportunity he gets and he spreads rumours about us"
Francine: "You and Rosalie?"
Me: "Yeah, but even if it is true. I still think that Andrew is jealous of Joe because look at Joe compared to him, Joe is a stunner were as Andrew is a ugly fuck face"
Francine: "The best thing she did was get shut of that cunt, she shouldn't of had to put up with it"
Then that was the day I told Francine that I wanted to be a model and I wanted to travel the world, it worked because I believed in myself and she believed in me when others couldn't.
~ End Of Flashback~
Me: "Yeah maybe I should, thanks"
Alex: "No problem"
I have a boyfriend who loves our daughter and I couldn't get luckier myself actually.
I get back in contact with Francine, I told her that everything is going great only Katie is not too good, she says she'll come over in two days and I said that was perfectly fine then I started to think to myself "Oh shit!" What if my past haunts me?
I might be asked about my parents and I hate talking about that day. It was tragic and awful and will give me nightmares for the rest of my life, I don't wanna talk about what happened to my parents, it pushes the boat way too far.

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