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*Noelle's P

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*Noelle's P.O.V*
I confronted Georgia about the situation just then and I told her she was out of order and the reason for her turning her back on Courtney was because she is a let down apparently and she speaks to people like they are crap on her shoe but she did the same thing to myself and Rosalie.
I told her she was out of order and the boot was on the other foot, she understood what I was saying eventually but it's too late to apologies now, do you really think that Courtney will forgive her? I don't think so.
Me: "Good luck with apologising, she won't forgive you"
Georgia: "Well I'm trying"
She apologies and Courtney doesn't forgive her which I knew it anyway.
Courtney: "What you did tonight was unforgivable don't ever speak to me again!"
She walked away and I was looking at Georgia, she caused all of this and I knew what she was gonna be capable of this time round.
Georgia: "What so this is my fault now is it?"
Me: "Well I did tell you to knock it off with the attitude and who else's fault is it Georgia? I wasn't the one who attacked her and threw make up at her for no reason"
Her and Courtney never spoke for months and Rosalie left the WWE and all I have left is Evelyn and she so understands me.
Emelina: "Why Rosalie left I'll never know"
Me: "Well maybe she was getting sick of it"
The Social Butterflies break up to pieces because I don't know how to fix it and Courtney and Georgia refuse to speak to one another.
Georgia apologiesed and got rejected so she won't talk to her and Courtney will never forgive Georgia in general.
I never realised that having friends who fall out is difficult to mend on your own but I will give this a try, I will fix this mess although I never caused it, I'll do anything to keep the peace now.
I try my best to think about what I can do to get this friendship fixed again, if I can't do it then I'll die trying because at least I tried.
I don't want to quit on The Social Butterflies because we've been friends since the start and we need to be on the same page again so I arrange to bring them both together but they think they are only seeing me privately, I'll try and remind them of why we became friends in the first place, maybe this might help and if it doesn't well the group is completely disbanded for life.
Courtney: "What is she doing here?"
Georgia: "Yeah I thought you said that this was gonna be private between us Noelle?"
Me: "Let me remind you both why we became friends in the first place!"
I tell them all the good moments and it gets stuck into their heads and now we agree to be on the same page and we all apologies to one another for our bad actions and we simply move on with our lives, after months of waiting The Social Butterflies are back.
Things are gonna change in this group for good and nothing is gonna get in our way no more.

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