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When Nattie and I got out of the car all we could see was sun flower after sun flower and there was the rest of the girls, we all had something to eat in the building as one then just as Summer was gonna get out of the toilets that's the part where I was gonna stop and talk to her.
Me: "Summer, can we talk for a minute?"
Summer: "Break a leg"
Me: "Listen, I don't like the way you've been acting recently in front of well respected peers and it's been done about Nattie, I mean Nattie hadn't complained to me or anything but I've seen you do it and I thought I might tell you this now before this goes too far, I don't want the Total Divas to look unprofessional because of one person, so I hope you understand why I wanted to talk about it"
Summer: "It's ok, I understand, I won't bother anyone ok?"
Me: "Ok"
I even told Summer that I was being honest and that's why she understood, she liked my honesty towards her and she said she'd improve her behaviour in front of other peers next time.
*Rosalie's P.O.V*
Was it me or did Summer change her attitude? She was smiling and said the right things, Nattie was shocked and so was Trin. Then I saw Eva and Georgia talking and I didn't know what it was about but I'm scared incase it ends up turning into a big conflict.
Me: "What's going on?"
Georgia: "Oh nothing just Eva swearing her head off at me for no reason"
Me: "What's happened?"
Georgia: "First Ariane and Vinnie and now her, she accused me of slagging her off to Summer and Summer knows I never, Nicole is stirring it in"
Me: "I said I wanted to kill Nicole but Nattie and Court won't let me"
Georgia: "John wants to get a grip of his girl"
Me: "I know, this is going too far and I think that Ariane is in the centre of it, not to mention Ariane and Eva have clashed before haven't they?"
Georgia: "Oh don't get me started"
Nicole had this smirk on her face and I felt like punching her face in for her but I know that Brie will stop me because obviously Brie is her twin and she will get in the way of me, she won't think twice, if I were Brie I wouldn't think twice of benefitting her.
Me: "Nattie, this with Brie and Nicole is going too far, it's that bad they've got JJ involved"
JJ is the Bella brother and he is on Brie's side and Nikki likes to believe that she is a victim, if she felt like a victim then she really should of talked to Brie about it before flipping on RAW and Smackdown every week.
Natalya: "Rosalie, everyone knows that there is no love loss between the twins and yeah they've made their lives twice as worse as it already is"
Me: "Do you think that we should do something?"
Natalya: "No, it's nothing to do with us, let them get on with it, it's obviously between them and we've got our own problems to deal with"
Then I realised that Nattie was right, if we stay out of trouble then we can't get the blame for it.

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