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Things were going exceptionally well at the beginning but there was a atmosphere in the room, with this atmosphere at the moment you could cut it with a knife.
Noelle and Georgia were not talking and Rosalie was also ignored by Georgia and Georgia got jealous when she saw Rosalie and Noelle talking, it got that far Georgia actually accused Noelle and Rosalie of talking about her, she went and had it out with Courtney and everything was ruined.
Georgia: "Noelle if you have something to say to me then you say it to my face, you never talk about me behind my back to that Gob Shite who can't defend herself!"
Noelle: "What the fuck are you talking about? Rosalie and I were not taking about you, besides I already had my say with you yesterday now get out of my face now"
Noelle was about to walk away but Georgia grabbed a pie and threw it behind of Noelle's head and there was a food fight, it was that bad that Noelle went to get Georgia but missed and hit Rosalie in the face with spaghetti.
Rosalie then threw cold soup at Noellw to get her revenge and what happened next? They both ganged up on Georgia after fighting over an accident and they threw all the raw fish at Georgia and food was all over the floor, in the end Courtney had to raise her voice.
Courtney: "HEY!!!!!!!!!"
They all looked at one another then Courtney bursted into tears and stormed into the ladies room crying and they all looked at one another.
Daisy: "Look what the three of you have done? You should be ashamed of yourselves, I'm gonna see if Courtney is ok"
Daisy went to check on Courtney and yes Rosalie, Noelle and Georgia felt bad for doing what they did, they publicly embarrassed Courtney in front of her other friends, family and some of the other Total Diva cast.
Courtney: "I can't do this anymore Dais, I've had enough I wanna go home!"
Daisy: "I'll deal with them, you get yourself home and you get your face washed and I'll collar them"
Courtney: "Thanks Daisy"
Daisy: "No problem girl"
So Daisy went to tell the girls that they were out of order and this is what went down...
Daisy: "Noelle, Georgia, Rosalie, can I have a word with you three?"
All: "Yeah"
They walked inside the little back room to talk this situation through and obviously this wasn't good at all, Daisy has to deal with 3 angry bitches!
Daisy: "Right what is going on here?"
Noelle: "You started this Georgia!!"
Georgia: "It's Rosalie she stares the shit!"
Rosalie: "Oh so it's my fault now is it?, at least I don't think I'm better than everyone else!"
Daisy: "That's enough, ok I think the three of you were out of order tonight and you definitely have to apologies to Courtney tomorrow now let's take this in turns, Georgia you first"
Georgia: "They have been talking behind my back because Noelle said they have and they were not saying what they had to say about me to my face"
Noelle: "That's not true, I told you what I thought of you to your face and yeah we did talk about you behind your back but whatever we said behind your back we are obviously gonna say it to your face and not only that , at that party today nothing was about you and you are clearly jealous of Courtney, Rosalie and I because we are closer than what you think and nothing about you anymore"
Georgia: "That's not true!"
Rosalie: "When why did you throw the pie at the back of her head then? Explain that one."
Georgia: "Whatever Rosalie!"
Noelle: "Why did you throw food at me? It was an accident I was meant to get her"
Rosalie: "I thought you did threw it at me on purpose"
Daisy: "That's enough, what you threw did tonight was childish"
Rosalie: "Me childish? I was never involved in this, Noelle just dragged me in it"
Georgia: "Rosalie, she's right, we are all equally to blame, we should apologies to Court"
Daisy: "She has a point, if I were you three I'd go and apologies now before it's too late"
So Rosalie, Noelle and Georgia begged for forgiveness off Courtney and Courtney did the right thing and told them to never do it again, they will of broken her trust for them other wise.
Courtney: "Noelle, I know you've had your issues with Dean and Georgia, I know you can get jealous easy and Rosalie I know you never started this but girls please don't do this to me again, promise?
ALL: "Promise"
The three girls got home relieved and showered and now this will be the talk of the whole new season of Total Divas.

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