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*Noelle's P

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*Noelle's P.O.V*
I was really shocked at the other night with Vincent, him of all people, now that's a big deal even when he blamed Rosalie for something he caused.
Nattie comes over to see if I was ok, I was only near the beach enjoying the sun while being upset.
Natalya: "Hey what's up Noelle?"
Me: "The other night has really came back to bite me"
Natalya: "You didn't did you?"
Me: "I didn't do what?"
Natalya: "Sleep with Courtney's boyfriend"
Me: "No, what I meant was I knew that the rumours would come across because I've been talking to him about my problems recently"
Natalya: "What about?"
Me: "About Jon"
Natalya: "Well Kevin knows him quite well so it's understandable to come to him"
Me: "Maybe Vincent saw us talking about it and that's why he thought that I was having an affair when I wasn't"
Natalya: "Well if it's anything he owes Georgia an apology, Alex and you an apology too"
Me: "He almost ruined Katie's childhood, if it wasn't for Rosalie it would of gotten worse"
Natalya: "It was really bad in general anyway"
Then Nicole comes over and tells us about the argument Georgia had with Ariane last night over Vincent's behaviour.
Nikki: "Oh My God, Georgia told Ariane how it was and she wouldn't have none of it"
Me: "Are you kidding?"
Nikki: "Nope"
Natalya: "How did you find out about this?"
Nikki: "Oh you should of heard Ariane this morning, she screamed like a mad woman and Georgia's name was mud"
Me: "Oh my"
Nikki: "She said to Ariane that if Herself or Vincent turns up at the door step then she'll have them arrested"
Then Nattie and I looked at one another, obviously Georgia is doing what's best and right for her and that's why her name is mud because in this life you just cannot do right for doing wrong.
Natalya: "Well it's their faults why all of this happened anyway, they only blamed that poor soul because she came on the scene"
(When she meant poor soul she really meant Rosalie because she actually does get the blame for everything and I feel so sorry for her because she's only standing for what she believes in).
Noelle: "I know, she was doing what was right and obviously she wasn't the only one pissed off with him, I was too"
Nikki: "I'm really surprised that Kevin didn't smack his face for him"
Natalya: "That's the whole point, one time I had to stop Vincent from killing Brodus after something Brodus caused and it's all because if it wasn't for me then Brodus would of had him dead and if it wasn't for Courtney and TJ then Rosalie would of had him dead so yeah everyone's saving his ass and he should be grateful and not only that his mouth runs away with him"
Nikki: "Yeah he should count himself lucky"
So yeah two people would of had him dead if it wasn't for three people, if it wasn't for Natalya then Brodus would of killed Vincent and if it wasn't for Courtney and TJ then Rosalie would of had Vincent dead so yeah he should really be thankful and not only that it seems to me that he is getting away with murder when he runs his mouth, he clearly let's it run away with him, God if only I'd of known about that incident earlier then I'd of killed him with no one stopping me!

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