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*Georgia's P.OV*
On the other hand I was injured and had to have an operation a few months ago but things are ok, I'm enjoying life now more than ever and yes I'm one of the selfie queens. 
Justin: "What is it with you and that phone?"
Me: "Just telling people on Instagram that I'm ok and things will be done"
Justin: "Everyone knows you are ok"
Me: "Not Eve and she's the one who injured me, she sees what she wants to see and she hears what  she wants to hear"
Justin: "She was like that back in 2012 when she was Johnny assistant"
Me: "I know, that's not what we want, we don't need more injustice to happen"
Justin: "Tell that to Dean Ambrose and
Roman Reigns they might be able to help you"
Me: "Aren't you funny?"
Justin: "No I'm hilarious Georgie"
Me: "Whatever"
Well I know it's what Layla said back then but this is what I say, that title will only look good on Eve when she loses it and I hope Noelle eventually gets there, nothing has been easy for her at all.
Me: "I honestly give up now!"
Justin: "What are you giving up on?"
Me: "Us you are one pain in the ass!"
Justin: "Your not gonna break up with me are you?"
Me: "I was but then again why should I?"
Justin: "What do you mean?"
Me: "I'm sick of you trying to be funny with me every time I'm trying to talk to you, leave me alone!"
For God's Sake, he wants me to be his wife one day and this is what I get for making his sister feel better about herself? Well I have had enough and from now on I'm gonna tell him how it is and put my foot down, I'm going on strike!

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