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So yeah Stephanie had plenty to say about us and our men.
She mentioned how Justin is on the lower rank on NXT and coming second banana to Tyson Kidd and she said that Dean is filming a movie and he's never coming back and last but not least she called Alex Riley (A-Ry) a failure, not only to his job but to his girl Courtney and his little girl Katie.
She took the piss out of every single one of us and we went down that ring with dresses we were comfortable in and we went to the ring in high heels.
Stephanie: "Oh look at you with your fake Dorothy wizard of Oz wanna be shoes!"
(Aimed at Courtney)
Stephanie: "You have a match Courtney Diamond, so get ready and yes you do and it's against your friend Nattie"
Courtney got herself ready for a once in a life time match with Nattie.
Stephanie even got our friends turned against us and we are team, we accompanied Court with her match against Natalya and it wasn't easy, Nattie won and it was very fair, Courtney thought her hardest out there and that's what got to Stephanie, our hard work to get where we got in life.
Stephanie: "Right, if Noelle doesn't win her match against Nikki Bella next week then she'll be fired, gone!"
Noelle was not happy but Noelle had a plan, Noelle knows what she is doing because she always does and you won't see Noelle leaving without saying goodbye!
Noelle: "Stephanie, you will see me victorious over Nikki Bella next week so what are you gonna do if I win? Never mind if I lose I'm fired"
Stephanie: "Then Courtney's and Georgia's careers will be at risk and you'll be on your own because Courtney is a failure just like her man and so is Georgia, good luck with all that ladies!"
(She laughed, her music hit and left the building)
This only lead into the three of us arguing with one another and we are hoping for a Noelle victory next week. We headed backstage and we knew what we said to each other last night.
Courtney: "We are counting on you to win next week, I hope you know what your doing"
Georgia: "Yeah Noelle, we are counting on you"
Noelle: "Don't worry ladies, this social butterfly now knows exactly what she is going to do and she always, always has a plan"
I don't know if I know what she is doing and we pray to God that we all survive the wrath of Stephanie, I believe that this is not gonna be pretty, this is not gonna be beautiful because it's a Woman's War out there now.
It still is a man's world though, we are the ones doing the normal women jobs like being in the kitchen , giving birth and taking care of the kids, being house wives and everything that men want us to do but we are the WWE Divas, Total Divas, Social Butterflies and we take orders from no one, we benefit ourselves weather Stephanie likes us,
loves us, dislikes us or hates our guts.
Noelle: "Who does that Stephanie think she is? I'm gonna give her a piece of my mind when we keep our careers"
Georgia: "How would you know if we keep our careers or not? God knows what the woman is capable of? You may know that your going against Nikki Bella, that's ok for you, you know what to expect but Court and I don't even know who we are facing yet and our careers are hanging in the balance too"
Courtney: "It might not even be that, we could be falling for it, maybe this is a set up, I mean we could be walking into the trap and we don't even know it"
Noelle: "Ladies, ladies, ladies, I assure that everything will be ok"
So time flew by and as you'd think that it would be the last that anyone would see Noelle in the WWE, we honestly thought that it was gonna be the end and she was getting destroyed by Nikki Bella but not for long because Noelle always had a plan and the plan worked.
Stephanie congratulated her nowhere near ring side and Noelle was still in the ring and she revealed Georgia's oponant, yeah it's Alicia Fox.
Alicia has been on a role as of late and now Georgia is doomed, Georgia is gonna have to wake up and be ready for this challenge because don't forget one of three of the Social Butterflies has survived but can the other two make it?
Can Georgia beat Alicia on Smackdown this Friday?
Can Courtney beat her oponant next week on RAW?

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