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*Courtney's P.O.V*
All I could do was give her a call, I was really worried at the minute, now I really feel as though I have to fly home but I can't just fly home I have duties to deal with now and all I can do is see if she's fine or not because that's what real friends do for one another, have one another's backs no matter what.
Me: "Rosalie please pick up"
(Rosalie picks the phone up)
Rosalie: "Hello?"
Me: "Are you ok, I saw the text just now, what's gone on?"
Rosalie: "Matt clearly doesn't want to know me anymore and he's trying to win custody of the child and I'm not going through another abortion again, it scars me"
(During the call Rosalie cries)
Me: "Ok, Ok take a deep breath, do you have anyone with you? Because if I didn't have this baby of mine then I'd of gone down there to check on you and you know I have your back"
Rosalie: "Yeah 2 people, my cousin Bella and my close friend Alexandria"
Me: "Well stick with them until things change"
Rosalie: "Ok"
Me: "Don't worry girl, you'll find some one who'll love you the world one day, I promise. You know your loved by me don't you? And don't give up on me because I love you girl"
Rosalie: "I love you too Court"
Me: "I'll call you first thing tomorrow, bye"
Rosalie: "Bye"
(Call Ends there)
I never thought for one second that Matt would do something like that to her and I feel sorry for her, I came out of the kitchen and I actually cried for her, I thought that things were gonna be ok but it's not then Georgia and Noelle get concerned and hug me, they asked me what's up and I told them about the story and I gave it in full detail.
Noelle: "He is such an Ass!"
Georgia: "I know, he's a muppet, she's gorgeous and I mean who does that?"
Me: "I know"
For the first time we had a group hug and I realise that these two could be my best friends for life, I'm so lucky to even find them and travel with them, So you don't have to find your best friends at school after all.

The Social ButterfliesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora