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*Rosalie's P.O.V*
Things were going fine tonight, we only got there for pineapple juice really but at least we aren't in a food fight again, I felt bad that day, anyway Fandango comes over to us and I was wondering why he came over.
Fandango: "Hello Ladies"
Courtney: "Hi"
Noelle: "What brings you here?"
Georgia: "Yeah I was thinking the exact same thing just now"
Fandango: "I was asking if one of you lovely ladies could be my dance partner tonight?"
Courtney: "Sorry I can't I have to mind my little girl Katie-Marie tonight and Alex would kill me if he saw me with you"
Georgia: "I can't because I'm engaged and I'm no Eva Marie you know, I wouldn't take my engagement ring off for no man, Justin is perfect to me"
Noelle: "I can't either because I've only just mended with relationship with Dean and he won't be happy if he saw me as your dance partner tonight and I can't dance for my life so I'm sorry the answer is no"
Fandango: "Rosalie, what about you sweetheart?"
Me: "Me? Oh I would if I could but I can't not tonight I've got plans"
(I quickly hid my wedding ring)
Fandango: "What plans?"
Me: "Change of plan again, I will be your dance partner tonight"
Fandango: "See you tonight"
Me: "Ok, bye"
(The girls all looked at me)
Me: "What?"
Noelle: "Can you even Dance?"
Me: "Yeah, I can dance"
Courtney: "You are crazy!"
Georgia: "I'm surprised that your not in a relationship already"
Me: "What? I'm in a relationship, as a matter of fact I'm married"
Then shit happened, I got called for everything by everyone and it's gonna look bad on me, I'm doing the exact same thing as what Eva Marie did only I'm not going to fuck up.
Courtney: "By the way who's your husband?"
Me: "Some guy I met at NXT"
Courtney: "Do you really think that he's gonna like this?"
Me: "No but I'm hoping he doesn't see nothing"
Noelle: "Cancel, cancel your plan with Fandango right now before it's too late"
So I did, it was only two hours away so he'll have to have someone else to mingle with instead of me.
I came back to see the girls and things got better rather than worse, imagine what would of happened if my husband did see that on the TV, he would of divorced me probably.
Noelle: "You saved your own marriage in the Nick of time"
Georgia: "Don't let that happen again"
Me: "Don't worry, it won't happen again, I promise"
Ah that was not good at all, I could of landed myself in it, obviously I wasn't thinking straight, this is probably getting filmed on Total Divas now but if it is well it's tuff tits isn't it?
Until the next day.....
We all had a plan, all of us gathered around for adiscussion and we know that NXT Takeover is tonight too so we deal with the conversation first before Takeover.
Natalya: "Ok so we are all here?"
Rosa: "Yes we are here"
Brie: "Who's gonna go first?"
Courtney: "Should I go first?"
Me: "Yes"
Courtney: "Ok well what are we talking about then?"
Natalya: "Any issues with us at all?"
Courtney: "Not really I delt with my issues ages ago"
Natalya: "That's ok, anyone else?"
Eva: "Yeah I've got issues, issues with Rosalie!"
Me: "Oh gang up on Rosalie, it's always my fault isn't it!"
Natalya: "No Rosalie no one hates you"
Eva: "Oh well I do, you thinks she's a better Italian then me!"
Me: "That's because I don't think I'm better than you I know I'm better than you and your always being unprofessional Eva!"
Eva: "Look at you with your false tan and your blonde hair with your horrible looking little tattoos one on the side of your hand and the other on the side of your hip!"
Me: "What? I was a better red head then you and if I had red hair now and if I never of dyed of blonde I'd still be a better show stealer than you"
Rosa: "Will the two of you knock it off!?"
Eva: "You Dog!"
I was on the verge of killing her but Nattie stopped me, if it wasn't for Nattie then that Eva Marie would of been planted!
A few hours later....
No started to calm down and NXT Takeover was about to come on.

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