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*Noelle's P

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*Noelle's P.O.V*
I think Eve is trouble now she is back, she's up to something I just know it, maybe this could put Courtney's title reign to an end.
I saw a letter for Courtney through my door and believe it or not her birthday was gone a month ago but it wasn't a birthday card, it was a love letter, I'm in shock, she is with Alex Riley, this was the first thing that went into my head.
(I was backstage with Courtney)
Courtney: "Hi Noelle"
Me: "Hey, guess what came through my letter box this morning?"
Courtney: "What?"
Me: "A letter for you but I'm not up to anything honestly this came through my door"
Courtney: "I believe you, your my friend"
She read what was said on the letter and she said to me that it's really a romantic letter but she can't accept that person because she is in a relationship with Alex.
Me: "Well that's what I was thinking before"
Courtney: "What am I gonna do?"
Me: "Nothing, you have no idea who this man is, stick with Alex until you find out what's really going on"
I didn't want to say anything but I thought that Eve was up to something but it wasn't her, I couldn't accuse her of something she didn't do.
However Courtney made her way to the ring and I was there incase my guy feeling was right.
Courtney asked for this person to come out and it took awhile but you'll never guess who it was all along? Big Johnny, John Laurnitis!!!!!
Courtney and I looked at one another and he had a mic in hands, he was telling Courtney that he saw sorry for keeping it a huge secret because he didn't want to embarrass himself.
Me: "What?!"
Courtney: "Yeah what is going on here? Is this some mind game?"
John: "No, I really love you, I just want you to do something for me"
Courtney: "Well I hate to disappoint you Johnny but I'm in a relationship already"
John: "With who?"
Courtney: "Well that's for me to know and you to find out, you can easily find out by watching Total Divas, my man is sexy, probably sexier than you anyway, sorry but it's true"
I was thinking to myself right there, what am I even doing here? I need to be prepared for a match against Eve so I better be ready.
John: "Well now you have upset me
Miss. Diamond, I'm now in charge of this place so if you and Noelle lose this tag match to Eve and Alicia then the very next week you'll put your title on the line against Eve next week"
I knew that he was gonna do that to her, I knew that Eve was behind something and I said it all along so yes it's myself and Courtney vs Eve and Alicia but we won in the end because I was all fired up and I was alive in that match.
I beat the hell out of Alicia and Eve walked away in the middle of the match so now Johnny has a bigger issue to deal with.
I was backstage trying to find Dean and when I found him he was eating and I was still standing there like a lemon waiting for him to finish it.
Dean: "Oh hey Noelle, what's up?"
Me: "Big Johnny is in love with Courtney but she is with Alex and she has a daughter to Alex too"
Dean: "Oh shit, we better do something before it's too late, I'll get Roman, stay right there"
His nervous were gone, he had to have a cigarette before he could do anything, he was having a major crisis with another issue that he wouldn't tell me about but he went to find Roman to get help for us.
Me: "Oh just great!"
Courtney was backstage with Johnny and no one knew what was going on and even I didn't know, I thought that this guy has a wife!
I was feeling sorry for Courtney at the moment, she looks like she'll lose but not to fear because Noelle is here and I will take the title if Courtney ever loses it.
Dean: "Here you are, I told you not to move"
Me: "I didn't move I was here the whole time"
Dean: "Oh ok, anyway, Roman, Courtney is in trouble and I have a feeling that Seth is going to be involved in this"
Roman: "No worries I'll take care of him!"
Me: "Oh Brother!"
I hope I never see Eve as a 4 time champion, if it's anyone who deserves the title well it's gotta be one of The Social Butterflies, we are the Divas to look out for in the future, I say let the games begin.

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