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*Georgia's P.O.V*
Ok I've nearly got everything that I ever wanted. Justin is more than enough for me it's just that there is something else that I have to do on Sunday at night of champions, at night of champions it's the Divas Champion Paige vs. AJ Lee vs. Nikki Bella vs. Me (Georgia Jasmine) for the title.
I didn't think I'd have this title shot in my whole life, I get up out of bed and I'm going  to chase my dreams.
Courtney: "There you are, I've been looking for you everywhere"
Me: "Yes Court, I'm still here"
Courtney: "Good luck on Sunday"
Me: "Thanks, it looks like I'm gonna need it too"
Courtney: "There isn't just two of them, there is three and they'll go for you right away, now we have a tag match against Paige and Nikki, Nikki is really sucking up to the boss for this moment, you earned your spot and well so did AJ but I want you to have this moment for the Social Butterflies"
Me: "I might be representing us but I promise I won't let anyone down"
Courtney: "Come on let's do this thing"
AJ was on commentary and I start things off against Nikki Bella. Nikki was always going towards the ropes all the time and look who came by on commentary too talk about this? Brie Bella.
Nikki wasn't even interested, Nikki never turned a hair she just kept beating me and I thought back, she tagged Paige and I tagged Courtney, the unthinkable happened, for the first time ever Courtney had Paige down, she pinned the Divas champion for us to win the match, AJ was in shock and Brie was too, Nikki did to Courtney exactly what she did to Noelle and that was beat her up, then I beat Nikki up to protect Courtney then Brie pushed me away from Nikki so she could attack Nikki and there was chaos, Paige was getting involved and it never stopped there, AJ finished off Paige. Courtney, Brie, AJ and I were still in the ring while Nikki and Paige escaped.
We were victorious tonight and that's gotta be the highlight of Courtney's career.
Me: "Courtney that was amazing how did you do it? You shocked us all tonight"
Courtney: "I don't know, I guess that I wanted to prove to Stephanie that I'm capable of getting a win too"
According to Stephanie all Courtney did was let the Social Butterflies down but wasn't she wrong tonight?
Courtney came back stronger than ever and haters are gonna hate.
Noelle: "Courtney, where did all that power and aggression come from?"
Courtney: "I don't know, I guess Stephanie's words to me only made me stronger especially after what she did to me when I lost my career, I'm earning my respect in this place"
Paige: "Wow, wow, wow, hang on one minute sweetheart, respect has to be earned in this place and your win over me was a fluke princess so I want you a match on RAW next week weather I lose at night of champions or not"
(Also looking at me)
Courtney: "It's on, I can beat you once and I'll beat you again, lightening will strike twice for you Paige!"
Paige: "Whatever"
All of us looked at one another and well wait until Monday, I really hope Court does it again because Paige is about to eat her words next week, she better hope that her words are short and sweet because she just might be eating them as you say.

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