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It was getting closer and closer to Courtney's birthday, she is going to have a party yes and Rosalie hasn't been seen in months and Courtney is a little upset about it but Alex thought of getting her a kitten and obviously she's a fan of cats but he isn't a fan of them, he is really worried incase it is aggressive towards him.
He was looking around and he didn't like the look of the other kittens but he really thought that Courtney would love this white kitten if she ever saw her.
Alex: "Is that a male or female?"
???: "Female"
Alex: "Can I have her then please?"
???: "Yes"
He paid full deposit for the cat and he took her home, Courtney's birthday is now less than 24 hours away.
Everything was getting ever so stressful and people were getting really tired, they've tried their best to make Courtney happy, Rosalie was on her way there with her friends and hopefully this will cheer Courtney up.
Noelle: "She's had a lot, she's divas champion and  she's getting everything she ever wanted"
Georgia: "She's one princess that's why"
Noelle: "I'll tell you this to your face right now, Rosalie and I were talking and we think that your recent actions are out of order"
She looked at Noelle like she had a wellie on her head and it was either Rosalie or Noelle who was gonna tell her the truth one way or another.
Georgia: "What? Your crazy, I don't know what your talking about and why get Rosalie involved?"
Noelle: "We just think that your out of order and you think your bigger than the group but you wanna know something Georgia Martin, your not and there are no words that I've said behind your back to your face, you know me well enough by now to know that I'm capable of my own mind"
Georgia: "I'm not doing this on purpose you know, I know we were in a six diva tag match and all but I think your only confronting me about this now because of spite because I didn't tag you in the match but I tagged Courtney in"
Noelle: "So it's the Georgia show now is it? Well that's fine by me, never talk to me ever again!"
Noelle left and stormed off because she couldn't get her own way with Georgia and this could possibly ruin everything for Courtney on her birthday.
Maybe this is the break down of The Social Butterflies, Courtney has been through hell, Noelle has been through hell but Georgia has had the best of everything and Rosalie is only the new member so no one could talk about her, she'll probably be the peace maker of the whole thing.
Until the morning....
Noelle and Georgia still got fed up of one another but they try to put it behind them for Courtney's sake and this morning Courtney seen a little kitten on the bed and at first she thought she was dreaming but really she's not this is reality.
Courtney: "Oh My God, babe, it's a kitten!"
Alex: "How did it get out of that room? Oh yeah happy birthday babe"
They spent the morning with one another before the big party tonight but little do they know that an explosion could kick off tonight and it all could he down to the best friends being jealous of one another.
Lets find out what is gonna go down at this party oh and let's get started......

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