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*Georgia's P

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*Georgia's P.O.V*
I'm grateful for my life and all but my parents do nothing but argue ever since I was two years of age all the way to now, yes we are loaded but it still doesn't stop my Dad from being lazy and it still doesn't stop my Mother screaming all the time, so to avoid them I just watch the media and I see a lot of people (mainly women) living the glamorous life.
I saw Stacy Kiebler on Tv and something made me think wrestling.
Me: "Wow I wish I could do all of that"
Mom: "Georgia, please stop talking to yourself, your gonna end up being like your grandma"
Me: "I wasn't talking to myself"
Mom: "Well who were you talking to then?"
Me: "As usual the brick wall, when I want to talk to you and Dad none of you listen to me, your both to interested in arguing with one another and ripping one another's heads off"
Mom: "That is so not true"
Me: "Your calling your own daughter a liar?, Don't even go there, you both argued ever since I was two and you still argue now, you both always have something to moan about don't you? Well there are other people in this world with worser problems than you 2 and I just might consider getting out of here if this continues!"
Two days later I was still right about my parents, all they did was argue, so I just hit breaking point and I was on the verge of packing my stuff before I did anything I finished my handwritten note for my parents. I just left and they still argued with one another after I left, they can wonder where I'm going all they want as long as I don't have to put up with it anymore.
Dad: "Where did Georgia go?"
Mom: "Georgia?, Georgia?, Where are you Hun?"
(Before Georgia left the house she left a handwritten note to her parents to notify them where she went, she even discussed her own problems on the note too.)
Dad: "It's no good chasing her now, she's well gone"
Mom: "Well I want her back here!"
Dad: "There is nothing we can do about it, she is an adult now, let her make her own choices and if she makes the wrong ones, the only thing we'll have to do is support her"
Mom: "Yeah I suppose your right for once in your life"
(Now they finally agree on something and trust it to be after Georgia leaves too).
Then I received a contract for the WWE and two others got contracts too, I don't know what I'm going to expect as from now. At the moment I'm delighted because I'm going to have income coming in.
I actually felt like I was at the movies and I haven't even been to the company yet, I'm still stuck in Australia about to move into the acting world.
I know that one day I just might appear in the movies, I've always been dreaming of this and my parents can hate all they want, I look in the mirror and I think to myself....
Planes, Yots, Limousines they will all be waiting for me there. I really want to be on camera as of now.

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