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*Rosalie's P.O.V*
Since school there has always been that little something that Courtney just won't talk to me about and I've opened up to her and said you can talk to me about anything and she's never said nothing and Francine hasn't said nothing either, maybe the thing that has happened got to Francine too maybe they just won't say nothing about it because it's that bad.
I knock on Courtney's door and Alex answers, he let me in and told Courtney that there was a guest, she was doing her make up.
(Courtney shouted down to us)
Courtney: "I won't be a minute, just doing my make up"
(I quietly say to Alex)
Me: "I've got to talk to her right away"
Alex: "Feel free"
So I went up the stairs and there was Courtney doing her make up, she jumped when she saw me and I didn't mean frighten her in any kind of way.
Courtney: "Rosalie you scared me"
Me: "I'm sorry"
Courtney: "It's ok, what's up?"
Me: "Nothing I just want to know, what are you and Francine hiding?"
Courtney: "What are you talking about?"
Me: "I wanna know what's going on, you and Francine are hiding something and don't say your not because this has been continuous ever since school"
Courtney: "Oh well it's private I can't tell you that Rosalie, I've been telling you this since school"
Me: "Just tell me, I know you want to"
Courtney: "Fine!, here it goes, when Francine and I were little girls, Mum and Dad told us that they'll leave us here so they can go out so Lacey and Josh stayed with us too, they went out and I got the worst phone call of my life!"
Me: "Oh, that's terrible"
Courtney: "Yeah my parents were murdered shot by two men and when the men put them into bin bags they thrown my beloved parents into a river and I cried for years, that's my dark secret ok"
Me: "That's awful, who looked after you then?"
Courtney: "My Aunt Vicky this incident happened when I was 6 and Francine was about 8 or 9"
Courtney finally let her fear out to me, she was scared in case the killers follow her and do the same to her and Alex.
Since then the criminals have been released from prison so yeah there are killers running around the fucking city.
Courtney: "I tried saying something but people just wouldn't have it, there are too many killers running around the fucking city and if people weren't so dopey and listened to what I had to say then they'd know about what happened"
Me: "Who told you all of this?"
Courtney: "Some stranger who knew my Dad"
Me: "Oh my God I'm so sorry"
Courtney: "I feel threatened and so does Francine, others must not know about this Rosalie I'm telling you now, I'm only telling you because your my bestie"
Alex: "Don't tell others what?"
Court and I looked at one another as if to say should we tell him or nah? We both still looked at one another, it's down to Courtney to tell him now, I mean at the end of the day it depends can she trust him?
Courtney: "Can I trust you not to tell anyone about this Alex? I'm being serious"
Alex: "Ok I promise, go on break it to me"
She tells him what she told me and the look on his face wasn't the best reaction ever nor the worst one.
Alex: "Oh my... I'm so sorry babe"
Courtney: "I don't know why they went on that typical night but it happened and it just shouldn't of happened like this"
It was so shocking to hear, with her going on and on and on about the situation she cried, she cried hard as it all came back to her, Alex and I were there to support her, I didn't mean to have her crying, I just wanted to know the truth, I'm old enough to know now. Her only just finished make up was ruined already and I'm lucky that she never put the foundation on yet.

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